Tuesday, March 30, 2021

[FOR SHOW] Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop 80 Years Old Batch, Neur ThongKham (Gold), Phim Yai (Big Size), Acharn Nong, Wat Sai Khao, Pattani Province (B.E.2541).

Size : 2.6 cm

Effect : Saving the lives of people from seemingly fatal automobile accidents, Strong protection from harm and danger, Overcome all obstacles in life.

Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop, or loosely translated as "Narayana (Hindu deity, avatar of Vishnu) changing form" was Acharn Nong's most famous sacred talisman which is extremely popular and famous among collectors due to many positive experiences among devotees. This is the one and only type of Thakrud ever created by Acharn Nong.

Acharn Nong mentioned to his devotees that he learnt to create such a thakrud from "Mae Nang Jan", a forest spirit who actually visited Acharn Nong in a dream to teach him the sacred method and incantations. Mae Nang Jan wanted to help Acharn Nong complete the building of the main shrine of Wat Sai Khao and also the monks' living quarters so as to gain merits.

Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop is popularly known for "changing misfortune into good fortune". In ancient text, it was mentioned that this type of thakrud is created by very powerful magic which is like the Hindu God Vishnu changing into various avatars to aid his devotees to overcome all types of obstacles in life. However, such a thakrud was extremely difficult to create as the person creating this thakrud must have attained a high-level of supernatural power to be able to invite Vishnu and contain his image and power in the thakrud. Due to this difficulty, not many masters were able to create effective Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop, with Acharn Nong being a notable exception.

It was known that Acharn Nong started creating Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop for the first time around B.E.2496 (C.E.1953) using metal sheets. Later on, Acharn Nong would received ammunition catridges given to him by villagers as well as his disciples for him to create the thakrud. The ammunition catridges came in all sizes, large and small and many thakruds were created using these cartridges. Later on, these thakruds would also be created in gold casings given by donors. The item inside the thakrud is actually a type of wood known as "Mai Luang Pu Thuad", which can only be found on a mountain resided by the forest spririt Mae Nang Jan. Acharn Nong would not allow anyone to see how the thakrud was created and people were forbidden as a rule to open the thakrud. If the thakrud was open, the spell would be broken and the thakrud would no longer be usable.

Thakrud Narai Plaeng Roop is a common feature in many of Acharn Nong's amulets such as his medals, which goes to show how famous he is for his thakrud. Acharn Nong passed away in B.E.2542 (C.E.1999) without passing the knowledge of creating this thakrud to any of his disciples.

(Credit : The informations and details from Brother Smoke from Amulets.Sg. Just for sharing purpose.)

Phra Acharn Nong of Wat Sai Khao.
阿赞弄 千变万化符管

從佛歷2496年開始製作那來班路符管,泰國各地都有師傅在製造符管,但是據稱阿贊朗的那來班路符管,卻是獨樹一格地獲得了好評,甚至為他取得” 塔固(符管)之王 “的稱號,而且那來班路符管隨著他的離世而失傳。雖然在他生前,彈殼的那萊符管是用免費結緣,發出去的數量很多,但是到十年後的今天,市場上流通的量卻一直很少, 據稱阿贊朗開光加持聖物時,都會奉請湄南詹女神降臨加持(佛牌的開光加持粗分三個步驟,第二個步驟就是奉請天神地神降臨加持),所以他所開光加持的所有聖物,都有湄南詹女神的加持之法力。

一、 獨立的那萊班怒符管(用彈殼、銀、金製成)
二、 2514以後,阿贊弄也把金屬片卷成的符管,裝到他的龍普托牌之中
三、 還有在某些的銅牌( Rian )上,也印上那來班怒符管的標誌。
如果提达固纳莱变路(Takrath Narai 千变万化)转换的名称,那么相信几乎所有的冠兰圣物,护身符感兴趣的人都将不得不想到北大年府瓦沙考寺的 帕阿赞农(Phra Ajahn Nong),因为他是纳莱变路(Takrut Narai 千变万化)冠兰圣物的创始人。 带来并创造许多奇迹,包括同情心,极高的知名度以及远离我们整体看不见的敌人的庇护在旁边,有刀枪不入的传说,剑,枪,弹药,极好的防御和排斥鬼魂,可以在我们旅行的每个国家中的任何地方使用。

Takrut Loop Om Hua Jai Lokathat (Early Batch), Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Chao Khun Maha Surasak, Wat Pradu, Samut Songkhram.

*CK Maha Surasak handwritten Yant.

Takrut Lokathat Lokathat 如果翻译成英文,就是 world elements。据说这 takrut 的用途多元化。在紧急时候,可以吞进肚子里,就能够化险为夷。 如果吞了这 takrut,临睡前可以许愿,早上起来,就会发现它会出现在你的身边,而不会随大便一起出来。 它的经文是:icchanto citto icchanto lokadhatumhi attabhavenang naduyi varavisati siddhang la a 而做这 takrut 的人 (师父) ,必须能够用专注力,使蜡烛芯断掉才算功成。所以,这不是每个人可以做得到得。
Chao Khun Maha Surasak of Wat Pradu.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Roop Muern Phim Phadyot Chao Khun Nu-Inn (self-portrait with fan shape), handcrated by Single-Eyed Coconut Shell, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province.

*Behind is Chao Khun Nu-Inn handwritten Yant. Come with temple box. 

Material : Handcrated by Single-Eyed Coconut Shell (单眼椰壳).

采用 100% 单眼椰壳全手工雕刻的 ~ 昭坤奴因自身法相扇子形状,背后由昭坤奴因师父亲手写上经文。师父对内观禅修的练习非常严格。 并且还研究了过去到现在的佛法-威奈,大藏经,魔术和巫术研究。他的圣洁的名声仍然受到尊敬,得到许多大众或信徒们朝拜。 特别是加拉信省 (Kalasin) 的人民,还有附近泰国东北部一带的人民,几乎到全泰国每个地区都有信徒。


所以佩戴这枚佛牌着也意味着步步高升,升官发财,打工一族能够得到上司的赏识与认同。工作上能有事半功倍的效果。而且昭坤奴因师父做制造的佛牌都偏向人缘,招财与避险等的功效,这尊佛牌可以说得上全方面保佑佩戴者。昭坤奴因师父从很早期大约 (佛历:2522) 年就开始制造第一期的单眼椰壳自身法相,并且还得到老一辈信徒们的好评与爱戴。工作上遇到事事不顺的你也不妨试一试吧!


Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Phra Phong Roop Muern (inserted with Blue Gemstone), Luang Phor Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Roon Somprathana Itthi Maha MongKhoon Trimas (B.E.2537).

*Come with temple box.

圣粉末状的骑虎罗汉 ~ 龙婆本自身法相佛牌,镶有蓝色宝石 (许愿像,吉祥模型) (佛历: 二五三七年)。






龙婆本Wat Bangphra庙帮助很多善信纹过刺符(刺青)发生了不少神奇事迹,泰国三大权威古法刺符,龙婆通,BU GAI,龙婆本即是权威其一,现在刺青的师傅已经远远比不了已圆寂的龙婆本高僧。龙婆本庙会每年举办刺符大法会,来参加刺符法会的人,以万计数。




Luang Phor Pern of Wat Bang Phra.

Phra Rahu, Chao Khun Nu-Inn, Wat Ba Phuttha MongKhun, Kalasin Province.

*Behind is Chao Khun Nu-Inn handwritten Yant. Come with temple box. 

Material : Handcrated by Single-Eyed Coconut Shell (单眼椰壳).

采用单眼椰壳全手工制作的拉胡天神,背后由昭坤奴因师父亲手写上经文。师父对内观禅修的练习非常严格。 并且还研究了过去到现在的佛法-威奈,大藏经,魔术和巫术研究。他的圣洁的名声仍然受到尊敬,得到许多大众或信徒们朝拜。 特别是加拉信省 (Kalasin) 的人民,还有附近泰国东北部一带的人民,几乎到全泰国每个地区都有信徒。

据说佩戴了单眼椰壳拉胡天神的神秘力量,有助于运气不好时,提升运气,避开办公室里面的明枪暗斗,商场上的是非小人等,也能一一远离我们,当流年犯太岁时,最好佩戴的过。昭坤奴因师父从很早期大约 (佛历:2519-2520) 年就开始制造单眼椰壳拉胡天神,并且还得到老一辈信徒们的好评与爱戴。工作上遇到事事不顺的你也不妨试一试吧!


Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, Attract Good Opportunity to You, Good Business Luck, Good Wealth Luck. 


Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Rian Luang Pu Thuad Pert Lob (Open The World), Nur Takua (Lead Material), Roon Pert Duang Setti, Luang Long Dum, Wat Sakae (B.E.2555).

Real actual amulet condition very nice.
*With Luang Long Dum handwritten Yant in front of the amulet. And temple code. Created by a devotee of Luang Phor Doo. When he heard the news that the temple (Wat Sakae) will have a Phutthaphisek (consecration) ceremony for auspicious amulets. Therefore he went to pay homage to Luang Long Dum ask permisssion to create this batch of "Rian Pert Duang Setti 55 (Open The World with Good Fortune & Millionaire)" by the Puttha Phisek ceremony on December 10, Year 2012 at 8.19 pm. 1. Luang Phor Huon, Wat Phutthaisawan, Ayutthaya. 2. Luang Phor Eiad, Wat Phai Lom, Ayutthaya. 3. Luang Phor Earn, Wat Wang Daeng Tai, Ayutthaya. 4. Luang Phor Chai-on, Wat Laem Hin, Prachinburi. 5. Luang Phor Som, Wat Pho Thong, Ang Thong. **6. Luang Long Dum, Wat Sakae, Ayutthaya. The origin of Luang Pu Thuad Pert Lob (Open The World) Wat Sakae (B.E.2532) is by Luang Phu Doo. Luang Phu Doo highly respected Luang Phor Thuad of Wat Chang Hai, and he would always teach all of his followers to give respect to this sacred monk. “Luang Phor Thuad is a high-level Dharma practitioner, who would definitely succeed in his enlightenment as Lord Buddha in the future.”, used to say by LP Doo. The local people from Ayuttaya is ensured that LP Doo was a reincarnation of LP Thuad himself. LP Doo used to contact LP Thuad during meditations and LP Thuad reputedly helped him to make particular amulets. Also, one of LP Doo ’s most famous series of sacred amulets was called “Rian Pert Lob (Open The World)” - a sacred coin with the portrait of Luang Phor Tuad embossed on the front side and on the sacred endorsement and the name of Luang Phu Doo of Wat Sakae at the back, together with the Thai number identified B.E.2532 (which was the year that this amulets was made). The followers of Luang Phu Doo revealed that Luang Phu Doo would tell them that while he was reciting the sacred spells to create the Rian Pert Lob his mind could touch a miracle light that had penetrated into the three worlds.
Luang Lung Dum (the direct lineage of LP Doo), Wat Sakae.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Luang Pu Thuad, Phim Yai (big mould), Nur Wahn (mixture of 108 types of sacred herbal powder), Roon Sarng Mondop, Acharn Nong, Wat Sai Khao (B.E.2540).

*Come with temple box. Brand new, Unworn.

Previous owner rented it from Wat Sai Khao temple when Phra Acharn Nong still alive.

*Phra Acharn Nong was one of the old geji ajarn who blessed Luang Pu Tuad Nur Wahn of Wat Changhai in B.E.2497. Phra Ajarn Nongthammaputo, Saikao Temple was a close friend Phra Ajarn Tim. He joined the blessing ceremony of Luang Pho Tuad since B.E.2497. Amulet of Luang Pho has high blessing power, especially Luang Pho Tuad, Chang Hai Temple.

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.

*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.

阿占农(Archan Nong)出生于佛历2462年,师傅于佛历2542年圆寂享年80岁. 阿占农师傅年轻时就与瓦苍海(Wat ChangHai)的阿占添(Archan Tim)师傅共同修行习法, 并与阿占添一起行脚收罗制作泰国第一期的龙婆托B.E 2497的材料. 随阿占添于佛历2512年圆寂后阿占农大师就回到瓦賽考. 而在阿占添在生时非常推崇阿占农师傅的Tarkut 那萊班路(NaraipengRoop).

此外阿占农师傅所制作的龙婆托牌灵验度也不亚于阿占添师傅. 当年阿占农师傅也积极参与瓦苍海寺(Wat ChangHai)于佛历2497年所制作的第一批龙婆托佛牌的制作与加持.

而在制作瓦沧海第一批的龙婆托佛牌之前的10余年间,阿占农更与阿占添师傅结伴寻遍泰国找寻适合制作龙婆托佛牌的圣土花粉材料, 对于一位参与者及制作龙婆托牌的先锋,阿占农师傅对于制作龙婆托的程序及法门有相当深层的了解.

Phra Acharn Nong of Wat Sai Khao.

Luang Pu Thuad, Phim Phra Rod, Nur Wahn (mixture of 108 types of sacred herbal powder), Acharn Nong, Wat Sai Khao (B.E.2538).

*Brand new, Unworn.

*Phra Acharn Nong was one of the old geji ajarn who blessed Luang Pu Tuad Nur Wahn of Wat Changhai in B.E.2497. Phra Ajarn Nongthammaputo, Saikao Temple was a close friend Phra Ajarn Tim. He joined the blessing ceremony of Luang Pho Tuad since B.E.2497. Amulet of Luang Pho has high blessing power, especially Luang Pho Tuad, Chang Hai Temple.

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.

*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.

阿占农(Archan Nong)出生于佛历2462年,师傅于佛历2542年圆寂享年80岁. 阿占农师傅年轻时就与瓦苍海(Wat ChangHai)的阿占添(Archan Tim)师傅共同修行习法, 并与阿占添一起行脚收罗制作泰国第一期的龙婆托B.E 2497的材料. 随阿占添于佛历2512年圆寂后阿占农大师就回到瓦賽考. 而在阿占添在生时非常推崇阿占农师傅的Tarkut 那萊班路(NaraipengRoop).

此外阿占农师傅所制作的龙婆托牌灵验度也不亚于阿占添师傅. 当年阿占农师傅也积极参与瓦苍海寺(Wat ChangHai)于佛历2497年所制作的第一批龙婆托佛牌的制作与加持.

而在制作瓦沧海第一批的龙婆托佛牌之前的10余年间,阿占农更与阿占添师傅结伴寻遍泰国找寻适合制作龙婆托佛牌的圣土花粉材料, 对于一位参与者及制作龙婆托牌的先锋,阿占农师傅对于制作龙婆托的程序及法门有相当深层的了解.

Phra Acharn Nong of Wat Sai Khao.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rian Phra Phut Jak Lanna Thai, behind is Lersi Chiwok, Nur Thong Daeng Prakai Rung (Copper), Roon 1 (1st batch), Sarng Rong Phayabarn (raise fund to build a Hospital), Nong Muang Khai District, Phrae Province (B.E.2561).

Lersi Chiwok or Mor (Doctor) Chiwok Healing Amulet or Jivaka Rishi, was the Personal Physician of the Lord Buddha, and is the Yogic Guru of all Medicine, Massage and Healing Rishis, as well as the Kru (teacher) of the Medical Profession in Thailand. The Kru Lersi of the Medical, Massage, Herbalist and Healing Practices. Lersi Chiwok was the personal Physician of the Lord Buddha Sakyamuni.

Healing amulets are less common to find, making this already a rarity. The purpose to made this batch of Rian Phra Phut Jak Lanna Thai, behind is Lersi Chiwok is to raise fund to build a Hospital at Nong Muang Khai District, during Buddhist Year (B.E.2561) at Phrae Province.

Phra Phut Jak Lanna Thai is actually Buddha image with Lanna Northern Thailand Design. This piece of Rian (amulet) suitable for those who always felt sick, or patient that who have cancer and under medical treatment. The wearer will recovery as soon and with good health. 
Lersi Chiwok
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Rian Phor Than Klai, Phim Wai Khang (pay homage), behind is Yant Paed Thit (talisman of eight directions), Nur Thong Daeng Long Dum (fumigated copper), newly made by Wat Suan Kan, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2539)

Luang Phor Klai (Phor Than Klai) was born in Chang Klang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat on 27 March B.E.2419. His former name was Klai Sinil, the son of In and Neaw Sinil. On 10 September B.E.2439, he ordained at Wat Wang Muang. Luang Phor Klai is one of the respectable monk and famous southern monk. It was rumoured that whatever he said or predicted, often came true, and that is why he was given the title "Golden Mouth" by many. In addition, his amulet is sacred in Metta Maha Niyom, which is effect of loving-kindness. 

When Luang Phor Klai was 14 years old, he went with his uncle to chop firewood and the tree he was chopping fell towards him and squashed his left leg. Luang Phor Klai though it was nothing much just a small injury and did not seek for medical attention, but eventually it become worse and worse. His left ankle was shattered upon inspection, it swelled till very big, started going gangrenous and the pain was unbearable couldn't be cured.

One day when Luang Phor Klai couldn't bear the pain any more, he took a sharp knife and chopped of the swollen ankle region. When someone found out he did that, they were shocked and immediately went to find herbs to help him to stop bleeding and found a medicinal healer to cure him.

Eventually Luang Phor Klai had trouble getting around and usually moved around on water buffalo. After Luang Phor Klai become less mobile due to this, he ordained at the age of 15 and by the age of 26 he become the temple abbot.

He then passed away at 11.05pm on 5 December B.E.2513 at the age of 95 and his body is still intact and is presented at Wat That Noi, Chan Di Sub-District, Chawang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat.

During that time, Luang Phor Klai become one of the very respectful monks by the Thai King. A lot of mystery things happen on Luang Phor Klai and when he past away, they try to burn his body but no one else can burn it although they try a few times. The final time, Thai King himself try to burn it but unfortunately only can burn one of his toe.

Around 60 years ago, Luang Phor Klai had made a batch of Jatukam amulets. LP have two students. Both of them had become Ajarn. One of the students is Ajarn Khun Pan. The size of the Jatukam amulet is more bigger than amulet now a day. And the price of those Jatukam amulet already very expensive. The out look of the Jatukam amulet is not as nice as now. The amulet that made by Luang Phor Klai is very collectable. Luang Phor Klai is one of the high rank monks and become one of the respectful monks in the Thailand.

Story behind Phor Than Klai

When people in West Malaysia heard of the legend of the "Golden Mouth" monk, a lot of people went Thailand and looking for Luang Phor Klai to ask for lottery numbers but eventually 
Luang Phor Klai shook his head and did not say anything. Someone found a way around it, instead of asking for a number the man show Luang Phor a number and asked whether it was nice. Luang Phor Klai replied that it was not bad and the man bought lottery and strike a lot of money.

(The Biography of Phor Than Klai is from others website. Just used for reference.) 

Rian Nam Dtao Phra Phrom, behind is Phra Pikganesh, Nur Nawak (9 types of alloys), 106 years Anniversary, 合艾中華慈善院 (B.E.2561)

No. : 688

If I not mistake, this is the 1st time ever that Chung Hua Charity Home (合艾中華慈善院) issued this batch of Rian although it was already there for 106 years in history. The main purpose that launched this batch of Rian (coin) is to raise fund to build the Phra Phrom (The four-faced Brahma Sahampati 四面神) & Phra Pikganesh shrine in front of the Charity Home. Where you can clearly view through when you passing by the road or you enjoying your tuk-tuk ride along Hat Yai street. If you notice both of the statues clearly then you will notice that it actually same design with the Rian Nam Dtao (g
ourd-shaped) hat issued. The gourd-shaped coin design actually have the meaning behind which is good for wealth fetching purpose. Thai peoples like this design so much and very popular among them. So you might not to miss out the great opportunity to own one of this nicely Rian (coin) before it running out of stock!      

葫芦形莲 四面神(前) 与智慧象神 (后), 九宝铜料, 106年纪念, 由合艾中華慈善院制造 (佛历:二五六二年)

Phra Phrom(The four-faced Brahmā Sahampati) 四面神
Brahmā Sahampati is an early Hindu religion dating back some 5,000 years. This religion is mainly symbolized by a trinity of Gods, namely; Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. It is believed that this Brahmanical triad combined their powers to create the Buddhist world.

One of the earliest iconographic descriptions of Brahma is that of the four-faced god seated on a lotus. In Thai Buddhism this Brahminist 4-faced god is known as "Phrom Sie Nah ", but it often referred to by others as the 4 faced Buddha.

Thai Buddhists highly respect many Brahminist gods including the 4-faced Phrom Buddhism grew out of a culture which believed in many levels of gods, called devas. There were also the highest level of gods, the Brahma gods, and Maha Brahma, the highest God.

Indeed many Thai religious ceremonies are heavily influenced by Hindu ritualistic practices even amulet consecrations. Buddhism as a religion is deeply rooted in early Hinduism from which it developed.

The description of Brahma like other deities of Hinduism bears a mystic symbolism. The lotus represents the Reality. Brahma sitting on the lotus indicates that he is ever-rooted in the infinite Reality. Reality is the foundation on which his personality rests. The four faces of Brahma represent the four Vedas. They also symbolise the functioning of the inner personality (antahkarana) which consists of thoughts. They are the mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and conditioned-consciousness (chitta). They represent the four ways in which thoughts function. They are the manifestations of the unmanifest Consciousness

The significance of the 4 faced God from the Thai perspective is that the Great Brahma is able offer help to the people who cry to him from all directions, granting wishes to those who ask. It is widely thought that Phra Phrom offers protection from danger and prosperity in business.

The most famous image of Brahma or Phra Phrom is located at the Erawan Shrine which can be found at the intersection between Ratchadamri Road and Ratchaprasong Road in Pathum Wan district, Bangkok, Thailand. It is a popular tourist attraction and often features performances by resident Thai dance troupes, who are hired by worshippers in return for seeing their prayers at the shrine answered.

Interestingly Lord Brahma is not popularly worshipped in India. This is so, because the idea of creation is repugnant to seeker of Truth since the creation of thoughts has veiled the infinite Reality. The attempt of all spiritual seekers is to destroy the existing thoughts and maintain the state of single pointed thought until the Reality is revealed. Hence, Siva (god of destruction) and Vishnu (god of maintenance) are worshiped more than Brahma.

Phra Phrom will save you from black magic and the evil ones, brings you happiness, money and prosperity, help to make your good wishes come true, providing protection from danger, and endow the wearer with good luck and and fortune.

The significance of the the various objects held in the hands are:

1.Book signifies wisdom (Panna) leading to the right path to success
2.Chanting Beads signifies cultivation of good karma in the cycle of birth and death (Samsara)
3.Jug signifies ample water (wealth) where one would not be out of thirst opportunity to earn a living
4.Baton is used to discard all obtacles created by the evil ones
5.Shell signifies bringing luck and obtaining precious ones
6.Hand on the Chest signifies protection and safety

(The information about Phra Phrom is from others website. Just used for reference.)
In Thailand, Ganesha is called Phra Phikanet or Phra Phikanesuan and is worshipped as the deity of fortune and success, and the remover of obstacles. He is associated with arts, education and trade. Thai Buddhists frequently pay respect to Ganesha and other Brahmin deities as a result of the overlapping Buddhist/Brahmin cosmology. 

Phra Pikanet can help people in wisdom, wealth, relationship and more. Students are also recommended to wea Phra Pikanet as he is able to aid one in studies and knowledgeable pursuits.

Effect : It has superb power of protection, prosperity, harmony, avoiding negative influences or chi, black magic, winning over business competition and overcome obstacles.  

Thursday, March 11, 2021

'Metta - Bhudtho - Ahosi' Wristband, made by good quality Silicone mixed with mercy wax, Luang Phor Jamnian, Wat Tham Suer, Krabi.

Wat Tham Suer (Tiger Cave Temple Krabi) has produced wristbands engraved with its unique moral teaching - 'Metta Bhudtho' Famous Yant of LP Jamnian in the centre 'Bhudto Ahosi' (Mercy - Buddha - Forgiveness) with nine-magic-symbol printed in between. The moral teaching belongs to Luang Phor Jamnian Seelasettho (a venerable monk), the principal monk of the Wat Tham Suer, Krabi. AKALIGO (Not delayed; timeless; Always Fashionable). 

The wristbands have the mercy wax mixed into the material and have been religiously blessed with strong, magical, safety, protection and forceful power of 'Metta Bhudtho' Famous Yant of LP Jamnian in the centre 'Bhudto Ahosi'.

Many honourable and reputable monks participated in this blessing ceremony at the monastery at Wat Tham Suer where Luang Phor Jamnian Seelasettho, headed the creation and blessing ceremony of the wristbands. The wristband in for tamboon (donation), and the proceedings will be used for building the relic pagoda at the temple.

The relic pagoda at Wat Tham Suer (Tiger Cave Temple), Krabi Thailand.

*Come with temple packaging. 
Luang Phor Jamnian is one of the most highly revered meditation masters in the Theravada tradition. He is known throughout the world for his fierce wisdom and soothing love, infectious laughter and uncanny knack for conveying the Buddha’s teachings directly from the Pali Suttas.

His teaching style does not fix upon any one particular form of vipassana or insight meditation, and yet all of his teachings point back to seeing the changing, unsatisfactory, and impersonal nature of all that arises. He sees meditation “as a living practice in which the development of insight must pervade every aspect of life, not just during hours devoted to formal meditation.” He reminds us how, “Every situation that arises is an opportunity to practice insight so we can steer ourselves back to the Middle Path.”

Luang Phor Jamnian intuitively senses what each person needs, and offers whatever that person is most capable of receiving — blessings, loving-kindness, protective amulets, personal advice, or Dhamma teaching. When disciples from all over the world telephone him twenty-four hours a day, Luang Phor will often place his several mobile phones on his chest so callers are able to directly hear Dhamma talks, or chanting.

This Thai Forest master currently lives west of Bangkok, Ratchaburi Province, and has dedicated his life to sharing the Dhamma to all those who listen. He continues to teach throughout Thailand, the United States, Europe, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, and India.

Monday, March 8, 2021

[FOR SHOW] Phaen Yant (Talisman Sheet), Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), handwritten by Luang Phor Jamnian, Wat Khao Lao (new temple), Ratchaburi (B.E.2561).

Size : 6cm x 6cm (Height x Width)

Luang Phor Jamnian lives a life dedicated to help others. Luang Phor Jamnian was born in 1936 in a rural village in Southern Thailand. At the age of five, he began practicing meditation under the guidance of his parents, both of whom were accomplished practitioners. His father, a local doctor, healer, and shaman trained his young son in herbal medicine, astrology, and shamanic practices. His mother and blind step-grandfather both taught him by example how to generate non-discriminating loving-kindness. All of these skills enabled Jamnian to spend his childhood serving and helping others. By the time he was eight, people of all ages and stature sought his help for physical and emotional healing, and for his wisdom on topics ranging from inter-personal and community relations to national politics.

Luang Phor Jamnian born at 1 May B.E.2479 in a family of Mr. Peth & Mrs Tar Chonlasakhon at Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Since he was 5 years old, his father who expert in gumatarn-vipassana meditation order him to meditate, Luang Phor Jamnian have been practice Dharma and meditation since then. In Thailand Luang Phor Jamnian's amulets and yants written mantra are very famous in protection against dangers/misfortune, black magic and evils/darkness. People frame his yants/blessing mantra and image at home for strong success fortune in business. Many haunted place he have been using his knowledge to purify the evils. Luang Phor Jamnian is a famous monk and now one top guru monk of Thailand.
Luang Phor Jamnian, Wat Khao Lao (new temple), Ratchaburi. 

Takrut Loop Om Hua Jai Lokathat (Early Batch), Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Chao Khun Maha Surasak, Wat Pradu, Samut Songkhram (B.E.2546-2547).

*CK Maha Surasak handwritten Yant.

Takrut Lokathat

Lokathat 如果翻译成英文,就是 world elements。据说这 takrut 的用途多元化。在紧急时候,可以吞进肚子里,就能够化险为夷。

如果吞了这 takrut,临睡前可以许愿,早上起来,就会发现它会出现在你的身边,而不会随大便一起出来。

它的经文是:icchanto citto icchanto lokadhatumhi attabhavenang naduyi varavisati siddhang la a

而做这 takrut 的人 (师父) ,必须能够用专注力,使蜡烛芯断掉才算功成。所以,这不是每个人可以做得到得。

Rian Luang Phor Jamnian, behind is Phra Mae Thorani, Nur Kalai Thong (Gold Plated), Wat Khao Lao (new temple), Ratchaburi (B.E.2561).

Luang Phor Jamnian is one of the most highly revered meditation masters in the Theravada tradition. He is known throughout the world for his fierce wisdom and soothing love, infectious laughter and uncanny knack for conveying the Buddha’s teachings directly from the Pali Suttas.

His teaching style does not fix upon any one particular form of vipassana or insight meditation, and yet all of his teachings point back to seeing the changing, unsatisfactory, and impersonal nature of all that arises. He sees meditation “as a living practice in which the development of insight must pervade every aspect of life, not just during hours devoted to formal meditation.” He reminds us how, “Every situation that arises is an opportunity to practice insight so we can steer ourselves back to the Middle Path.”

Luang Phor Jamnian intuitively senses what each person needs, and offers whatever that person is most capable of receiving — blessings, loving-kindness, protective amulets, personal advice, or Dhamma teaching. When disciples from all over the world telephone him twenty-four hours a day, Luang Phor will often place his several mobile phones on his chest so callers are able to directly hear Dhamma talks, or chanting.

This Thai Forest master currently lives west of Bangkok, Ratchaburi Province, and has dedicated his life to sharing the Dhamma to all those who listen. He continues to teach throughout Thailand, the United States, Europe, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, and India.

Early life

Luang Phor Jamnian lives a life dedicated to help others. Luang Phor Jamnian was born in 1936 in a rural village in Southern Thailand. At the age of five, he began practicing meditation under the guidance of his parents, both of whom were accomplished practitioners. His father, a local doctor, healer, and shaman trained his young son in herbal medicine, astrology, and shamanic practices. His mother and blind step-grandfather both taught him by example how to generate non-discriminating loving-kindness. All of these skills enabled Jamnian to spend his childhood serving and helping others. By the time he was eight, people of all ages and stature sought his help for physical and emotional healing, and for his wisdom on topics ranging from inter-personal and community relations to national politics.

Luang Phor Jamnian born at 1 May B.E.2479 in a family of Mr. Peth & Mrs Tar Chonlasakhon at Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Since he was 5 years old, his father who expert in gumatarn-vipassana meditation order him to meditate, Luang Phor Jamnian have been practice Dharma and meditation since then. In Thailand Luang Phor Jamnian's amulets and yants written mantra are very famous in protection against dangers/misfortune, black magic and evils/darkness. People frame his yants/blessing mantra and image at home for strong success fortune in business. Many haunted place he have been using his knowledge to purify the evils. Luang Phor Jamnian is a famous monk and now one top guru monk of Thailand. 

Entering monastic life

At age twenty, Jamnian ordained as a Buddhist monk and continued practicing meditation with great dedication. One of his teachers, Ajahn Dhammadharo, instructed him in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness according to the Satipatthāna Sutta. Luang Phor Jamnian’s single-minded dedication to these practices led to a breakthrough in understanding. Along with the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, the Noble Eightfold Path, and the Seven Factors of Enlightenment remain at the core of his Dhamma teachings.

A significant part of Luang Phor Jamnian’s practice as a young monk was to pay respect to, and learn from, the great forest masters of his generation. He had a particularly strong connection to, and deep reverence for, Luang Phor Chah and Luang Phor Clai. Whenever the opportunity arose, he wandered as a mendicant through the remote regions of Thailand and the border areas of Cambodia, Burma, and Laos.

During the civil war

During the civil war in Thailand that began in the early 1960’s, Luang Phor Jamnian moved to Surat Thani, the Southern province with the highest concentration of Communist rebels. His goal was to bring safety and peace to the region. With undiscriminating kindness, Luang Phor Jamnian cultivated respect and trust by helping people on all sides of the conflict, including military personnel, local government officials, police forces, the Thai border patrol, local villagers, and communist insurgents. He facilitated many ceasefires between the officials and the Communists. Luang Phor Jamnian negotiated political amnesty for the communist insurgents, who, with his help, renounced violence and surrendered to the government.

The establishment of Wat Tham Suer

At the end of the civil war, Luang Phor Jamnian established Wat Tham Suer (Tiger’s Cave Monastery) located near Krabi, in Southern Thailand. He helped the local villagers, mostly Muslim, develop a strong municipal infrastructure by building roads and bringing electricity and water into the town. Krabi prospered, growing from a tiny town to one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country.

Luang Phor Jamnian currently teaches the Dhamma throughout Thailand, the United States, Europe, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, and India. He moved from Wat Tham Suer to Wat Khao Lao (new temple), Ratchaburi province, west of Bangkok in 2010. His life continues to be dedicated to helping others realize the truth of their own nature and to spreading the teachings of the Buddha with great compassion, wisdom, and a lighthearted smile.
Luang Phor Jamnian and Ajarn Khun Phan the famous police chief the creator of Jatukarm Ramathep invited Luang Phor to his house. (Go way back in old day between Ajarn Khun Phan and Luang Phor Taweesak a hunter and a jaguar sure is both a powerful men with Thailand old art of spell and spiritual power, it is made as a good movies these day for a young to watch as history. The 3 tigers bandit, Seur-Mahaesuan said that he got shot in the head and Luang Phor Taweesak said that if the spell aren't strong or not really effectiveness, i wouldn't survive until this day from Ajarn Khun Phan, he's a great man.) 

Ajarn Khun Phan-Darbdang(red sword) Phrayapichai darbhuk the broken red sword of thai warrior Phrayapichai, one of the most famous great sword from legendary warrior of Thailand, with respect to elder. Ajarn Khun Phan has already passed away at an age of 108 years old. 

Phra Mae Thorani

Phra Mae Thorani is a mythological “Mother Earth” goddess known throughout Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. She appears in the Maravijaya, the ninth story within the Pathamasambodhi scriptures which describe the Buddha’s life. Her image can be found frequently in Buddhist temples across the region.

In the Maravijaya tale the Buddha was meditating under a Bodhi tree when Mara, the Evil One, led a force of warriors and animals to attack the Buddha and prevent him from achieving enlightenment through his meditations. Mara himself rode upon an elephant and had one thousand arms each bearing a weapon. The Buddha reached down with his right hand and touched the ground to summon Phra Mae Thorani to bear witness to his good deeds. Thereupon the Mother Earth goddess rose up and proceeded to wring from her long hair the water that she had collected each time the Buddha had performed an act of virtuous generosity over a multitude of life times. The torrents of water from her hair, all derived from the good deeds of the Buddha, became a mighty flood and swept away the forces of Mara allowing the Buddha to continue his meditations and achieve enlightenment.

Phra Mae Thorani’s intervention to defeat the forces of Mara is a popular topic for murals and statues in temples. She is also called upon for help by people in all sorts of situations such as by farmers to provide fertile soils and rain for crops or even by young men desperately seeking a bride, who can apparently invoke Phra Mae Thorani’s magic by scooping up some earth with the big toe of their right foot and with the right hand rubbing it into the top of their head.

Thai farmers also believe that Mother Earth has the power to bring rain. Another of Mother Earth's powers is that of protection, which is bestowed in many ways. In ancient times before men went to war they would ask for protection from Mother Earth. And those who went to a forest to catch wild elephants were also known to invoke her protection from all dangers.