Friday, October 30, 2020

Rian Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Chanuan Thong Kam Pasom, Block Thong Kam (Gold Mould), Chao Khun Maha Surasak, Wat Pradoo, Samut Songkhram (B.E.2553).

*Block Thong Kam (Gold Mould) will be more expensive than Block Thammada (Normal Mould).

第一期莲昭坤玛哈素拉萨佛牌, 多佳金材质, 黄金模版本, 夜功府, 帕杜皇家佛寺 (佛里: 二五五三年)。

* 黄金模版本的价格会比较贵过普通模版本。

Materials :
1. Nur ThongKam (Gold) : 449 pieces
2. Nur Ngern (Silver) : 2553 pieces
3. Nur Chanuan Thong Kam Pasom (mixed with a lots of old takruts and copper) : 30,000 pieces

With LP Maha Surasak's handwritten Yant. Very good material added on. LP use a lot of old amulets and takruts, especially from LP Zhai, Wat Sadet.

Amulets made by LP Maha Surasak is very popular in Thailand because there are many wonderful experiences from worshiper such as protect them from dangerous, harm and bad things. On the other hand, this powerful amulet can bring wealth, success and progress to worshiper.

Biography of Luang Phor Maha Surasak:

LP Surasak ordained as Buddhist novice by LP Sud from Wat Galong that LP Sud was magical expert in the past then LP Maha Surasak went to study the magic with LP Yod at Wat Gaeow Jalearn who was expert to make holy thread. Moreover, LP Maha Surasak is expert o make “Takrut Maha Prab” and “Takrut Hua Jai Loka That” that there are many wonderful experiences from these Takruts. LP Maha Surasak make Takrut followed LP Jai, Wat Sadet’s method. LP Surasak said LP Jang who was former abbot of Wat Pradoo is very well known magical expert in the past had close disciple is LP Yim from Wat Nong Bua, Kranchana Buri province. Moreover, LP Yim has close disciples are LP Jai from Wat Sadet and LP Plain from Wat Chai Chumpon Chana Songkram. In addition, LP Jai had close disciple is LP Yod who is teacher of LP Maha Surasak. On the other hand, LP Surasak said the bones of LP Sursak are changed to be like black gem. In free time, LP Maha Surasak like to visit LP Jur-ah and helped LP Jur-ah to create Bia Gae. Besides, LP Maha Surasak studied the magic to create Palad Khik from Ajahn Seng who is disciple of LP Boot from Wat Phrom Wiharn, PhetchaBuri province.

Pae Kwai Puek, Luang Phor Sin, Wat Lahanyai, Rayong Province (B.E.255x).

Size : 2.8cm (Width) x 3cm (Heigth)

Pae (Goat) crafted with Albino Buffalo Horn.

Unworn condition, come with new waterproof plastic casing & temple paper.

The body of the Pae handcrafted with scared Yant by Luang Phor Sin himself. This efficacious Kreung Rang Charming Pae is extremely great charisma & attract opposite sex (Metta Maha Niyom & Metta Maha Saney) as the male Goat will always be accompanied by female goat. Pae is known as a tough and strong animal which ward off harm (Kaew Klaad) & Khakai (Business, Sales & Trading).

LP Sin is under the lineage of LP Aum,  LP Lat Wat Bangkaprok and LP Tim Wat Lahanrai.

*LP Aum is the No.1 Pae maker of Rayong Province.

Phra Pidta, Nur Thong Pasom, Roon Maha Somprathana, Luang Phor Dum (Than Dum), Wat Mai Naparam, Narathiwat Province (B.E. 2550).

帕必达掩面佛, 三宝铜, 如意帮, 龙婆丹 (谭丹), 瓦麦那趴蓝, 那拉提瓦府 (佛历: 2550)。

LP Dam师傅
Wat Mai Naparam Tak Bai


泰國同名的高僧有非常多,而Wat Mai Naparam的這位龍婆丹高僧在泰國是一位非常有名的高僧,名聲甚至遠播至香港、新加坡及馬來西亞等地。龍婆丹高僧所制作的佛牌聖物都很有名。據說龍婆丹高僧所督造的必打,可以令佩帶者刀槍不入、擋災避險、財源滾滾及轉貧為富。而且馬來西亞某任的國王對於高僧所督制的必打聖杵非常崇信,因為在十幾年前,曾有信徒在馬來西亞的國王面前證實此必打的效力。當時這個必打效力的消息傳遍馬來西亞,在泰國的佛牌雜志中亦有報導。

龍婆丹高僧在Tak Bai, Narathiwat出生於佛歷2484年(西元1941年)4月15日 星期二,名字叫 Dam Krai Noi。家裡有兩個兄弟姐妹,而他排行老大。由於父母教育嚴謹,所以龍婆丹高僧從小就是一位非常乖巧有禮的小孩。而龍婆丹高僧就讀於佛寺附設的小學,他在小學畢業後,就出來幫忙家裡務農做事。他們一家人在佛節時,會去參加佛寺所舉辦的供佛供僧的活動。此外他也是一位能力很好建築技工,在農閑時,會出外工作補貼家用。

在他20歲的時候,即佛歷2504年7月26日,也是他父親生日時,他為了報答父母的養育之恩,於是在Wat Mai Naparam剃度出家成為一位僧侶,戒師為Phrakru Niba,得法名為Phra Dam Chan Tat Salo。。龍婆丹高僧對於術法和加持佛牌的心法有濃厚的興趣,所以他透過閱讀書籍、拜訪師父等方式鑽研此領域的知識和實踐。龍婆丹高僧在Wat Mai Naparam修行了四年後,隨即前往Wat Prachaphirom待了多年,學習佛法和各種加持佛牌的法術。龍婆丹高僧認為學海無涯,所以他不斷拜訪有名望的高僧,向他們學習法術和佛法,讓自己的修行能越來越精進。我們可以知道龍婆丹高僧是一位非常好學不倦的師父。

之後跟LP Dee Wat Sanghasitharam學必打人緣法, LP Boon Wat Chok Aerong學白拉竭法門, LP Kron Wat Bangsek學造法枚, 還跟蹤LP Pee, LP Pae, LP Toh學習。

2518, 龍婆丹被任命為 Wat Mai Naparam 副主持。
2527, 龍婆丹被任命為 ChaoKanat Thamboon Kaet Song。
2528, 龍婆丹被任命為理事會行政及主持。
龍婆丹是佛牌界知名的大師。有“必打至尊”之稱號。其MAI KRU權杖,必打最為有名,所督造的聖物是佛牌界大受信眾歡迎。



Phra Khun Paen with Guman Thong, Phim Kamakan, behind with Locket Luang Phor Sawai, 3 silver takruts, Wat Preedararm (B.E.2542).

Serial No. : 250

*with old monk robe, LP Sawai’s hairs and Ploy (gemstone).

*Come with temple box. Brand new, Unworn.

帕坤平将军与古曼童佛牌, 理事模, 背后是龙婆沙怀的洛克, 3支纯银符管(佛历: 2542)。


*放入龙婆沙怀的旧袈裟, 龙婆沙怀的圣发与Ploy(宝石)。


Luang Phor SaWai
Luang Phor SaWai of Wat PreeDaRarm, NaKhon Pathom province. LP was born in Ayutthaya province on 18 January 1921. LP SaWai was novice at the age of 16 at Wat PreeDaRarm and was ordained as a monk on 4 July 1941. He was ordained by LP Yai, Phra Arjarn Jerm and Phra Arjarn Pleung and was given the religious name of TiTaVaNo.

He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, LP commenced studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Poon of Wat MaiPinGlee-oh, LP Ngurn of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn Yung, LP Kow of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn PinRaud, Arjarn Cham, LP PaLudToo of Wat NgaungSur-ah, and LP PraPun ComeSing.

LP SaWai went also called “Tudong” in the jungle alone at Northeast of Thailand. Tudong is monk’s journey to gain knowledge, to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. Asian people such as Thai, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong respect such a monk who made amulet was very famous in wealth and protection. LP was well known among amulet collectors. Many people said that LP SaWai was a monk who possessed a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and bahramee (power). LP SaWai was well known for making “Phra Khun Paen” LP SaWai passed away on 11 November 2000 at the age of 80.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Phra Khun Paen, Phim Kamakan, behind with Locket Luang Phor Sawai, 3 silver takruts, Wat Preedararm (B.E.2542).

Serial No. : 645

*with old monk robe, LP Sawai’s hairs and Ploy (gemstone).

*Come with temple box. Brand new, Unworn.

帕坤平将军佛牌, 理事模, 背后是龙婆沙怀的洛克, 3支纯银符管(佛历: 2542)。


*放入龙婆沙怀的旧袈裟, 龙婆沙怀的圣发与Ploy(宝石)。

Luang Phor SaWai
Luang Phor SaWai of Wat PreeDaRarm, NaKhon Pathom province. LP was born in Ayutthaya province on 18 January 1921. LP SaWai was novice at the age of 16 at Wat PreeDaRarm and was ordained as a monk on 4 July 1941. He was ordained by LP Yai, Phra Arjarn Jerm and Phra Arjarn Pleung and was given the religious name of TiTaVaNo.

He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, LP commenced studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Poon of Wat MaiPinGlee-oh, LP Ngurn of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn Yung, LP Kow of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn PinRaud, Arjarn Cham, LP PaLudToo of Wat NgaungSur-ah, and LP PraPun ComeSing.

LP SaWai went also called “Tudong” in the jungle alone at Northeast of Thailand. Tudong is monk’s journey to gain knowledge, to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. Asian people such as Thai, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong respect such a monk who made amulet was very famous in wealth and protection. LP was well known among amulet collectors. Many people said that LP SaWai was a monk who possessed a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and bahramee (power). LP SaWai was well known for making “Phra Khun Paen” LP SaWai passed away on 11 November 2000 at the age of 80.

Luang Pu Thuad Phim Taorid Lor Boran (Antique Cast Iron Shape), Neur Chanuan, Phra Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakhan, Lopburi (B.E.2558).

No. : 787

*Brand New, Unworn. Come with temple box.

Chanted & consecrated by Phra Ajahn Tew inside the cave of Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung.

It is made from a thousand pieces of Takruts and many old materials from Southern Thailand.

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.

*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
Phra Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakhan.
龙普托烫斗形古法倒模,帕阿赞丢,玛尼朱拉甘寺庙,华富里 (佛历:二五五八年)。

编号 :七百八十七号


在博他侖府的 Wat Khao Or 洞穴内,由帕阿赞丢念经加持。


采用一千片符管片 (Takrut) 与许多泰南老料融制而成。

最佳功效:Kongkraphan(帮助您不受所有武器攻击),Maha-Utt(阻止枪支向您射击),Kaew Klaad Plodpai(帮助使您远离所有危险),Metta Maha Niyom(使您周围的人爱您,并对您好一点)和Maha Larp(带来幸运的财富)。

在泰国,Luang Pu Thuad佛牌被认为是“ Phra Nirantarai”,这意味着Luang Pu Tuad将使您摆脱一切危险。

*它是由Por Tek Tung慈善基金会认证的,该基金会在曼谷的道路交通事故现场帮助受伤者并收集尸体,使他们从来没有发现因道路交通事故丧生的人拥有LP Thuad佛牌。
Chanted & consecrated by Phra Ajahn Tew inside the cave of Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung.

Rian Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom), Roon Raek (1st batch), Phim Kamakan (Mould for Committee Members), Nur Alpaka (Nickel Material), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2556).

No. : 21
Made : 56 pieces

Rian Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom)
The supreme goddess of Myanmar, it is said that she is the first prophet of the universe, knows everything in the universe, has a lofty position, and takes care of her duties ~ Buddha, the three celestial books in hand record the past, present and future of the Buddha.

And her beauty made her loved by gods and even demons wherever she went.

The effect of wearing Rian Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi is super good for popularity and wealth. Everyone loves you, and wealth is abundant, which opens the way for us. When encountering difficulties, they will solve some problems wisely.
莲素拉色提妈妈 (智慧与幸运女神),第一期 (头帮),理事模,镍材料,古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙(佛历:二五五六年)。


【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】

缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。
Chanted and consecrated by a lots of Geji Ajarn of Lanna & Tai Yai.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Phor Than Eaum's belt (old), Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phattalung.

*With Pt Eaum's handwritten Yant. 婆谈恩 (龙普恩) 的和尚腰带 (旧的),三钠松达琳赞 (庙名),博他侖府。 *由龙婆恩亲手写上经文。 The old belt of Phor Than Eaum, wearer can tie it on your waist daily when you're going out for work or holidays. It can also tie it on your car steering. The effect of belt is good for Maha Utt (great protection), Kaew Klaad and Prevent danger. Bring good fortune and prevent evil spirit disturbing you while enjoying your holidays in the hotel. Protect against abuse from evil spirits or prevents invasion from ghosts. **(EXCEPT those arising from old karma / 除了前世的旧业障). Always remind yourself to follow the Five Precepts (五戒 / Panca Sila). Kaew Klaad means = save from accidents or mishaps, avoid of danger.
Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Phra Pikganesh (in front) with Luang Phor Yai (behind), Roon Korn Sawan, Phim Yai (big mould), Nur Phong Boon (福报粉), Chao Khun Surasak, Wat Pradoo, Samut Songkhram (B.E.2550).

Size : Diameter 5 cm

*With Pra Maha Surasak's holy hairs.

Phra Pikganesh or Lord Ganesha is destroyer of evil, god of success & fortune, clearer or obstacles. A very kind-hearted god who will not refuse those who pray to him faithfully.

Phra Pikganesh amulet is good for removing all obstacle in life - career and to increase one's luck and fortune. Phra Pikanet is normally worshipped for business and wealth, that is why Phra Pikganesh is a very popular deity to be kept in a shop or place of business all around the world. There are many people who experience unexpected windfall and opportunities after wearing Phra Pikganesh amulet.

象神或象头神也称为 (克除阻礙之神)。功效 : 主招财运、加强正偏财、增加人缘、保护佩戴者避过危险和保护家庭。

Monday, October 5, 2020

Luang Pu Thuad Phim Taorid Lor Boran (Antique Cast Iron Shape), Neur Chanuan, Phra Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakhan, Lopburi (B.E.2558).

No. : 395

*Brand New, Unworn. Come with temple box.

Chanted & consecrated by Phra Ajahn Tew inside the cave of Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung.

It is made from a thousand pieces of Takruts and many old materials from Southern Thailand.

BEST FOR : Kongkraphan (helps make you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Maha-Utt (stops gun from shooting at you), Kaew Klaad Plodpai (helps push you away from all danger), Metta Maha Niyom (makes people around you love you, and be kind to you), and Maha Larp (brings lucky wealth).

In Thailand, Luang Pu Thuad amulet is believed to be a “Phra Nirantarai” means Luang Pu Tuad will push you away from all danger.

*It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have LP Thuad amulets.
Phra Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakhan.
龙普托烫斗形古法倒模,帕阿赞丢,玛尼朱拉甘寺庙,华富里 (佛历:二五五八年)。

编号 :三百九十五号


在博他侖府的 Wat Khao Or 洞穴内,由帕阿赞丢念经加持。


采用一千片符管片 (Takrut) 与许多泰南老料融制而成。

最佳功效:Kongkraphan(帮助您不受所有武器攻击),Maha-Utt(阻止枪支向您射击),Kaew Klaad Plodpai(帮助使您远离所有危险),Metta Maha Niyom(使您周围的人爱您,并对您好一点)和Maha Larp(带来幸运的财富)。

在泰国,Luang Pu Thuad佛牌被认为是“ Phra Nirantarai”,这意味着Luang Pu Tuad将使您摆脱一切危险。

*它是由Por Tek Tung慈善基金会认证的,该基金会在曼谷的道路交通事故现场帮助受伤者并收集尸体,使他们从来没有发现因道路交通事故丧生的人拥有LP Thuad佛牌。
Chanted & consecrated by Phra Ajahn Tew inside the cave of Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung.