Size : 2.3 cm
*With one code stamp on the takrut. Come with temple paper with ink chop.
Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai) to remind you of Phra Ratanatrai and Kruba Archan (teacher), wearing it around your waist, wrist or carry them around with you to protect against abuse from evil spirits or prevents invasion from ghosts. Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai) can protect the owner from prevent accidents, danger, prevent misfortune and escape from the accidents. **(EXCEPT those arising from old karma / 除了前世的旧业障).
帕洛佛经文符管(7 Tangnai)佩戴时要记得想起 Phra Ratanatrai 和 Kruba Archan (老师),将其符管佩戴在腰上,手腕上或随身携带以防止受到恶魔的侵害或防止鬼魂的入侵。 帕洛佛经文符管(7 Tangnai)可以保护车主免受事故,危险,防止不幸和事故的伤害。 **(不包括因旧业障 / 除了前世累积下来的旧业障而产生的人)。
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai), Nur Chanuan, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong.
Size : 2.3 cm
*With one code stamp on the takrut. Come with temple paper with ink chop.
Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai) to remind you of Phra Ratanatrai and Kruba Archan (teacher), wearing it around your waist, wrist or carry them around with you to protect against abuse from evil spirits or prevents invasion from ghosts. Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai) can protect the owner from prevent accidents, danger, prevent misfortune and escape from the accidents. **(EXCEPT those arising from old karma / 除了前世的旧业障).
帕洛佛经文符管(7 Tangnai)佩戴时要记得想起 Phra Ratanatrai 和 Kruba Archan (老师),将其符管佩戴在腰上,手腕上或随身携带以防止受到恶魔的侵害或防止鬼魂的入侵。 帕洛佛经文符管(7 Tangnai)可以保护车主免受事故,危险,防止不幸和事故的伤害。 **(不包括因旧业障 / 除了前世累积下来的旧业障而产生的人)。
*With one code stamp on the takrut. Come with temple paper with ink chop.
Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai) to remind you of Phra Ratanatrai and Kruba Archan (teacher), wearing it around your waist, wrist or carry them around with you to protect against abuse from evil spirits or prevents invasion from ghosts. Takrut Phra Rod (7 Tangnai) can protect the owner from prevent accidents, danger, prevent misfortune and escape from the accidents. **(EXCEPT those arising from old karma / 除了前世的旧业障).
帕洛佛经文符管(7 Tangnai)佩戴时要记得想起 Phra Ratanatrai 和 Kruba Archan (老师),将其符管佩戴在腰上,手腕上或随身携带以防止受到恶魔的侵害或防止鬼魂的入侵。 帕洛佛经文符管(7 Tangnai)可以保护车主免受事故,危险,防止不幸和事故的伤害。 **(不包括因旧业障 / 除了前世累积下来的旧业障而产生的人)。
Mae Sura-Satee Maha Thewi (The Goddess of Fortune and Wisdom), Nur Phong Yaa Metta Long Rak PidThong, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (early batch).
This piece of amulet made by 5 pills of "Successful Medicine" named as (Sitthi Nga Pa), a kind of medicine known as Panya Osth Nur Yaa Sara-Sa-Ti. Final step applied with a layer of lacquer and then stick with 24k real gold leaf (gold foil).
【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】
缅甸至高的女神,传说她是宇宙第一先知,知晓宇宙一切,地位崇高,职责看管 ~ 佛陀,手上的三本天书记载着佛陀的过去现在未来。
【智慧女神 / 幸运女神】
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Roop Lor Roon Sorng (2nd batch) Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父), Nur Ngern (Silver), made and chanted on Wai Kru (拜师日) by Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).
Made : 108 sets + 40 sets (later add-on)
Good for Wish Granted (有求必应), Khakai (Great Sales & Good Business), Chokh Larp (Good Fortune), Metta (loving kindness).
Good for Wish Granted (有求必应), Khakai (Great Sales & Good Business), Chokh Larp (Good Fortune), Metta (loving kindness).
Thai Yai 族第一高僧古巴瓦邁鴻第二期小金身仔,這期自身有純金版本,纯银版本与”参暖料“中文翻译为混合铜版本,纯银与”参暖料“各數督造數量為108尊(一开始寺庙所要制造的数量),然后因需求量人数增加各为40尊,所以最后各为148尊。底部塞入手刻符与古巴API哇的出名响当当的红药。廟方解釋到古巴API哇(古巴瓦邁鴻唯一傳人,現任寺廟住持)制作這期自身總共花近7年的時間,因為要做红药并非一夕一日的事,這樣以來本身材質就集好運和人緣。除了對感情有其效以外,對于人緣和貴人也是有相當大的幫助。師傅說此期自身可成大愿,通常來講就是對于佩戴者目前來說不是很符合實際的較大愿望,達成關于財運方面的距大數額的愿望,感情方面可挽回反目成仇的戀人,和解與他人的任何恩怨。任何事情都可以得到原諒與幫助,令朋友家人或者戀人回到自己身邊,錢財也一樣可獲得比期待的更多。
古巴API哇,和古巴瓦邁鴻(做帕勇康的師傅)一樣是Thai Yai族高僧,是古巴瓦邁鴻維一衣缽傳人,現任寺廟住持。其他資料暫無,反正很棒。
古巴API哇,和古巴瓦邁鴻(做帕勇康的師傅)一樣是Thai Yai族高僧,是古巴瓦邁鴻維一衣缽傳人,現任寺廟住持。其他資料暫無,反正很棒。
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Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父) |
The Tai Yai carpenter bee with gold leaf (Maeng Phu) carved from hard wood containing mercury and needle (*maybe). Made on Wan Wai Kru (拜师日), Roon Sarm (3rd batch), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).
Maeng Phu
These are insects with a sting for weapons like carpenter bees, sawflies and the like. These insects are carved from wood or ivory. Nowadays, they are even cast from metal or the real insects are stuffed and coated with gold leaf or paint with magic incantations spoken over them. It is believed to protect against danger and evil things and to change the enemy's mind from wanting to hurt one. Most Tai Yai keep 5 bees on the shrine shelf and carry one with them. Gold shops in Shan State or Myanmar put one on a raised tray to prevent robbery.
A Tai Yai relates that King Naresuan of Thailand died in Mueang Hang due to Burmese King using this kind of empowered insect to attack him.
The wooden carved bee with mercury and a sting put inside it of the Tai Yai had following abilities:
1. Attracting people to love
2. Bring good luck and business success
3. Protecting from dangers
4. Counteracting the superstition methods of attack
5. Keeping robbers away
6. Protecting children from being hurt
7. Protecting from danger during a journey and making one beloved by people and angels.
泰艾(掸族 或 傣族)木匠蜜蜂贴上金箔(Maeng Phu)里面含有水银和针(或许)使用硬木雕刻而成。制作于Wan Wai Kru(拜师日),Kruba Apiwat,Wat ThungPong(B.E.2562)。
Maeng Phu
某个泰艾人说过泰国国王Naresuan死于Mueang Hang由于缅甸国王使用这种有能力的昆虫攻击他。
These are insects with a sting for weapons like carpenter bees, sawflies and the like. These insects are carved from wood or ivory. Nowadays, they are even cast from metal or the real insects are stuffed and coated with gold leaf or paint with magic incantations spoken over them. It is believed to protect against danger and evil things and to change the enemy's mind from wanting to hurt one. Most Tai Yai keep 5 bees on the shrine shelf and carry one with them. Gold shops in Shan State or Myanmar put one on a raised tray to prevent robbery.
A Tai Yai relates that King Naresuan of Thailand died in Mueang Hang due to Burmese King using this kind of empowered insect to attack him.
The wooden carved bee with mercury and a sting put inside it of the Tai Yai had following abilities:
1. Attracting people to love
2. Bring good luck and business success
3. Protecting from dangers
4. Counteracting the superstition methods of attack
5. Keeping robbers away
6. Protecting children from being hurt
7. Protecting from danger during a journey and making one beloved by people and angels.
泰艾(掸族 或 傣族)木匠蜜蜂贴上金箔(Maeng Phu)里面含有水银和针(或许)使用硬木雕刻而成。制
Maeng Phu
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Wua Thanu (Phaya Ko Suparat), Nur Phong Yaa (Medicine Powder) bottom inserted with takrut, Roon Wai Khru Ceremony (拜师日), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2562).
Size : 2.5 cm
Made : 270 pieces
*This piece is made by Medicine Powder, takes 12 years to collect all the precious powder, bottom inserted with a piece of Takrut.
Wua Thanu: Beliefs and Power
Wua Thanu, literally "bull arrow", refers to a bull like sacred object shaped like an arrow to be used to ward off all kinds of danger and evil spirits including superstitious acts against its owner. It is a tiny man-made arrow made from bamboo strips with some incantation cast on it to make it powerful. While making it the bamboo strips must be twisted to the left and woven anti-clockwise. Usually the bamboo strip used to secure the grass roofing material to the rafters is used or that made from bamboo clusters along the path. The weaver has to hide his hand behind his back while weaving it and saying certain incantations to imbue it with magic.
The ancient bull arrow that have been found are of two kinds: one is mixed with lacquer powder sometimes painted red and coated red and coated with gold leaf, the other kind is mixed with lac to cover over the wire frame with sacred words inscribed on it. The size ranges from the little finger size, to be carried about conveniently or a larger one to be kept on a shrine shelf to pay respect to. The names of their makers are often anonymous.
哇它怒公牛 (Phaya Ko Suparat), 采用药粉制造, 拜师日念经加持, 古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺庙 (B.E.2562)。
尺寸:2.5 厘米
制造:大约为 270 尊
*这尊哇它怒公牛采用珍贵的药粉制造,需要 12年的时间才能收集到所有药粉,底部有放入一支手写符管。
“终极护身符 力量超级无比强大“
哇它怒公牛被认为是充满力量的护身符。 在远古时代,人们相信牛是所有受试者都拥有的护身符 创建了“牛”的雕塑,并在其上附加了“弓”字 因为当对象释放这头魔牛攻击他人时 木偶将飞向空中。 那时,公牛木偶的状态被缩短为直接到达目标的“原子”。
黑魔法师往往被用作鬼兵或守卫房屋,每个咒语都使用导演。 并且被认为必须牺牲 因为有一种进取的精神。如果您不放弃,机器人将没有力量 如果是鬼ghost 所有者可能被袭击致死。
但是给人以同情心的“Wua Thanu” 实现愿望 并且不伤害崇拜者,没有太多 神圣的公牛给了这个神圣的结果 由创建 不同年龄,不同年龄的教职员工。
佛陀具有预防超级大国危险的美德 敌人害怕阻止您隐匿黑魔法。 无畏鬼 仁慈,生意兴隆 在家里被崇拜是一种祝福。
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Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong. |
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Phra Pidta Maha Larp, Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Thong Leung (Brass), Phor Than Eaum, Samnak Song Taling Chan, Phatthalung (B.E.2556).
Monday, March 16, 2020
Phra Pidta Yant Yung, Nur Thong Daeng (Copper), Phor Than Khai (Luang Phor Khai Wachasit), Wat Lam Nao, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2546).
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(Side view ~ Left & Right) |
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(Top & Bottom view) |
Biography of LP Khai:
LP Khai was born in 1913. LP was a novice since 15 years old. Next, LP was an ordained at the age of 20 at Wat Chai Chumpl, Amphur ThungSong, Nakorn Si Thammarat province. While LP was an ordained, he was studied Buddha‘s teaching strictly. LP studied a meditation and magical knowledge with many guru monks, until he was expertise in magical knowledge. Next, LP was stayed in the Buddhist at Wat Thun Sran, Wat Wang Kree and Wat Thung Kwai. Later, he was an abbot at Wat Lam Nao since 1959. LP Khai always is in morals. LP always done a mode of Buddhist meditation and pray Chinnabanchon mantra daily. He is suitable being pure monk of south people. LP will meet with visitor only 1-2 times per day. Most visitor sees him because ask for blessing from him. People believe that his blessing is very holy blessing. It can be according blessing.
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Phor Than Khai (Luang Phor Khai Wachasit), Wat Lam Nao, Nakhon Si Thammarat. |
Friday, March 13, 2020
Phra Phong Roop Muern 1st batch, 133rd anniversary of the teacher Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父), Nur Phong Yaa Akhid Tokinutsei (Metta 528), Lang Takrut Nur Ngern (behind inserted with a pcs of Silver Takrut) (B.E.2562).
Made : 395 pieces
*Come with good quality stainless steel Ah Pook casing.
Good for Wish Granted (有求必应), Khakai (Great Sales & Good Business), Chokh Larp (Good Fortune), Metta (loving kindness).
Thai Yai 族和兰纳法门的第一高僧“雅碧鸦”草药自身,高阶版纯银符管。如果古巴瓦迈鸿生前开光的兮碰“帕勇堪”为成愿之王的话,那古巴瓦迈鸿的每一期自身一定就是愿望和人缘的源头,虽然古巴瓦迈鸿早已圆寂但每年 Wai Kru 拜师法会时在场高僧在入定的时候均有感受到古巴瓦迈鸿的到来和诵经的声音。所谓离开善信的仅仅是肉躯,而精神永远陪伴在深信师傅的各位善信身旁,给予无时无刻的帮助和庇护。无需供奉还愿同样需要使用金箔或者黄金,只要你的愿望合情合理向古巴许求,那你们关于财运和人缘感情类愿望均可以达成,且概率在 90% 以上。原庙开光发行高阶纯银符管版本,市面罕有流通。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
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Kruba Apiwat, Wat Thung Pong. |
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
RoopTai (photo) Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父), Lang Yant Setti Than 5, Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong.
No. : 562
*The Yant behind is Setti Than 5 (5 Millionaires / 五位百万富翁的经文). The red colour medicine ink behind of the photo is made by Med Yaa Setti Than 5 (not normal red ink). With temple code.
Encased with classic brown color waterproof acrylic casing.
Good for Wish Granted (有求必应), Khakai (Great Sales & Good Business), Chokh Larp (Good Fortune), Metta (loving kindness).
[FOR SHOW] Phra Bucha Kruba Wat Mai Hung (眼镜师父), 5 inch lap, Roon Sorng (2nd batch), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2563).
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Tiny Wua Thanu (Phaya Ko Suparat), Nur Chanuan, Roon Wai Khru Ceremony (拜师日), Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong (B.E.2561).
Size : 1.3 cm. Smaller than 10 sen (Ringgit Malaysia).
*Come with temple box. Body and bottom have temple codes.
Wua Thanu: Beliefs and Power
Wua Thanu, literally "bull arrow", refers to a bull like sacred object shaped like an arrow to be used to ward off all kinds of danger and evil spirits including superstitious acts against its owner. It is a tiny man-made arrow made from bamboo strips with some incantation cast on it to make it powerful. While making it the bamboo strips must be twisted to the left and woven anti-clockwise. Usually the bamboo strip used to secure the grass roofing material to the rafters is used or that made from bamboo clusters along the path. The weaver has to hide his hand behind his back while weaving it and saying certain incantations to imbue it with magic.
The ancient bull arrow that have been found are of two kinds: one is mixed with lacquer powder sometimes painted red and coated red and coated with gold leaf, the other kind is mixed with lac to cover over the wire frame with sacred words inscribed on it. The size ranges from the little finger size, to be carried about conveniently or a larger one to be kept on a shrine shelf to pay respect to. The names of their makers are often anonymous.
哇它怒公牛 (Phaya Ko Suparat), Nur Chanuan, 拜师日加持念经, 古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺(B.E.2561).
“终极护身符 力量超级无比强大“
哇它怒公牛被认为是充满力量的护身符。 在远古时代,人们相信牛是所有受试者都拥有的护身符 创建了“牛”的雕塑,并在其上附加了“弓”字 因为当对象释放这头魔牛攻击他人时 木偶将飞向空中。 那时,公牛木偶的状态被缩短为直接到达目标的“原子”。
黑魔法师往往被用作鬼兵或守卫房屋,每个咒语都使用导演。 并且被认为必须牺牲 因为有一种进取的精神。如果您不放弃,机器人将没有力量 如果是鬼ghost 所有者可能被袭击致死。
但是给人以同情心的“Wua Thanu” 实现愿望 并且不伤害崇拜者,没有太多 神圣的公牛给了这个神圣的结果 由创建 不同年龄,不同年龄的教职员工。
佛陀具有预防超级大国危险的美德 敌人害怕阻止您隐匿黑魔法。 无畏鬼 仁慈,生意兴隆 在家里被崇拜是一种祝福。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
*Come with temple box. Body and bottom have temple codes.
Wua Thanu: Beliefs and Power
Wua Thanu, literally "bull arrow", refers to a bull like sacred object shaped like an arrow to be used to ward off all kinds of danger and evil spirits including superstitious acts against its owner. It is a tiny man-made arrow made from bamboo strips with some incantation cast on it to make it powerful. While making it the bamboo strips must be twisted to the left and woven anti-clockwise. Usually the bamboo strip used to secure the grass roofing material to the rafters is used or that made from bamboo clusters along the path. The weaver has to hide his hand behind his back while weaving it and saying certain incantations to imbue it with magic.
The ancient bull arrow that have been found are of two kinds: one is mixed with lacquer powder sometimes painted red and coated red and coated with gold leaf, the other kind is mixed with lac to cover over the wire frame with sacred words inscribed on it. The size ranges from the little finger size, to be carried about conveniently or a larger one to be kept on a shrine shelf to pay respect to. The names of their makers are often anonymous.
哇它怒公牛 (Phaya Ko Suparat), Nur Chanuan, 拜师日加持念经, 古巴阿匹瓦,通碰寺(B.E.2561).
“终极护身符 力量超级无比强大“
哇它怒公牛被认为是充满力量的护身符。 在远古时代,人们相信牛是所有受试者都拥有的护身符 创建了“牛”的雕塑,并在其上附加了“弓”字 因为当对象释放这头魔牛攻击他人时 木偶将飞向空中。 那时,公牛木偶的状态被缩短为直接到达目标的“原子”。
黑魔法师往往被用作鬼兵或守卫房屋,每个咒语都使用导演。 并且被认为必须牺牲 因为有一种进取的精神。如果您不放弃,机器人将没有力量 如果是鬼ghost 所有者可能被袭击致死。
但是给人以同情心的“Wua Thanu” 实现愿望 并且不伤害崇拜者,没有太多 神圣的公牛给了这个神圣的结果 由创建 不同年龄,不同年龄的教职员工。
佛陀具有预防超级大国危险的美德 敌人害怕阻止您隐匿黑魔法。 无畏鬼 仁慈,生意兴隆 在家里被崇拜是一种祝福。
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Kruba Apiwat, Wat ThungPong. |
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been RENTED.
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