Friday, April 27, 2018

Phra Kring Vimon Yan Udom, Nur Nawak with Silver base, Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakarn, Lopburi (B.E.2553)

No. : 289
帕吉铃佛 “药师佛” Vimon Yan Udom,九宝铜料银底部,阿赞丢,玛尼朱拉甘庙,華富里府(佛历:二五五三年)
号码 :二八九

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Phra Buccha Hoon Payong, Phim Yai (big mould), Phor Gae Chao Seng, Wat Baan Trang, Pattani Province (B.E.2558).

100% handmade 

Size : 9.5 cm x 18.5 cm (width x height)


*100% 亲自从庙恭请回来,当时婆坦昭醒还另外再加持过。

Locket Puwon Ganpai, Lang Takrut Saney Mon (念念不忘), made and consecrated by Archan Pakong.

*With a pcs of Ac Pakong handwritten Takrut Saney Mon (念念不忘) inserted on behind of the locket.

背后有加入阿赞帕空的药草与圣粉。另外加上一支由阿赞帕空亲手写的 Takrut Saney Mon (念念不忘) 能持对方对你念念不忘,夫妻感情美好,人缘和合,减少吵架的机会。有如大象胶一样粘着对方的心,死心踏地去愛你


This Locket blessed & consecrated by Archan Pakong. This Locket was made to brings great auspicious, good business(wealth), great luck, Metta Maha Saney, Metta Maha Niyom for the owner. This Takrut mainly consecrated for Metta (charming & attractiveness).

Beside that, a pcs of Takrut Saney Mon has been written and consecrated by Archan Pakong thru special session. Naturally attract the opposite sex and have a satisfying love life. Not just go after someone, but have the opposite sex chase you instead. Make a woman become emotionally dependent on you. This is essential if you want her to fall in love with you. You get to catch a girl's trust, attention and attraction, more than anything else. Change your self confidence, for good, so that you no longer feel anxiety, self doubt and nervousness when approaching women and starting conversations. 

Instantly makes any girl feel special, and makes you irresistible. To attract woman, Like Bees To Honey, and seduce absolutely beautiful women. You get to develop great charisma and become a lot more sexually attractive. More interest, eye contact and “look-backs” from women.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Roop Lor Luang Pu Hong, Roon Chalong Somphut, Nur Samrit, Wat Petchaburi, Surin (B.E.2542)

No. : 396

Made : 500 pieces

*With temple code on the base.

龙普宏小金身,青铜料 (佛历 : 二五四二)

龙普宏(Luang Pu Hong Wat Petchaburi)佛历2460至佛历2557,苏林府在世第一高僧。 龙普宏生于佛历2460年3月24日,年少时聪颖过人,还经常帮家里下地干一些农活,是个不折不扣的好孩子。他的父母在他18岁那年为了避免年轻气盛、血气方刚的龙普宏走歪路,就建议他出家为僧,龙普宏接受了父母的建议,并计划出家七日的时间。就在他出家的第三日,他禅坐于树下,突然看到一群陌生男女,有老有少,这些人拜托他为他们念经祈福。然而,龙普宏初入佛门哪里懂得怎样念经,就无奈的回答他们不会念经的事情。这群人没有怪龙普宏,还安慰龙普宏说:“高僧你不会念经没有关系,请你尝试念普通的经文三遍,你自然就会念了。” 龙普宏不好推辞就开始照着他们的意思去念,没想到所念经文却朗朗上口,那些陌生人马上双手合十,笑着向龙普宏答谢,龙普宏过了一会儿恍然大悟,回神之时,那些陌生人已不知踪影。等他回到寺内时,将此事告诉了主持,主持就回答说:他与佛有缘。龙普宏对此深信不疑,也将原本计划出家的七日无限的延续了下去,直到其20岁。

在此期间,龙普宏专心研究佛经,向很多名师学习佛理、佛法。正式出家后的第三年就开始了深山及森林的高级修行,而且经常去一般修行者不敢去的地方,比如坟地,他认为最可怕、最混乱恐怖的地方可以锻炼僧人的心境,一旦可以度过这个难关,便可心如止水,学习什么都不会受到外界的干扰。之后为了更高的修为,不管多远的寺庙,只要有高僧、名师可拜,龙普宏就一定会去,还跟邻国的著名师傅一起学习过法术,当时泰国以外柬埔寨、老挝等地的山区修行者都是法力极高强的,因为龙普宏是位为人谦逊的人,因此每个师傅都愿意传授他自己的所学,这也使龙普宏后来在法学和佛学的境界受到普遍的认可。 龙普宏在柬埔寨修行期间收获是最大的,有一次龙普宏行走到一处风水宝穴,见此地极为适合进行修行,便开始禅定,一坐便是10多个小时,当龙普宏睁开眼睛的时候,看到一位天神从天而降,并将一些失传的法门传授给了龙普宏师傅,之后天神便消失的无影无踪。龙普宏正准备谢恩之时,突然修行之所出现了一个小孩儿,皮肤乌黑,一动不动。龙普宏走上前去轻轻触碰,只见小孩像个不倒翁似的跌倒然后迅速弹起,龙普宏就绕道了小孩儿的后面再轻轻一碰,只见这次小孩子却变成了身高5米的巨人。其实龙普宏高僧当时一看便知这是下凡的仙童,龙普宏只是与其善意的玩耍罢了。之后,这位仙童就将古曼通的法门传授给了龙普宏师傅,直到现在,龙普宏的古曼童制作法门都是依据这位仙童的指示在做的,据说在实际灵验度方面还是很不错的,加上本身市值不是很高,因此很受当地人喜爱。 龙普宏在修行的时候还曾路过一个叫做“班固”的乡村,这个乡村曾经饱受战火的侵害,当年龙普宏途经此地,正好赶上侵略的敌军向此地投放炸弹,当炮弹从天而降之间,龙普宏念诵经文,使得所有这些炮弹在落地时都没有爆炸,反而深深地扎入到了地下。村民感恩龙普宏高僧的法力与神通,直到现在每当龙普宏经过此处的佛寺,所有的村民都会亲制在寺庙门口向外的地方等待高僧,成百上千人躺在地上,希望高僧能够踩过去,即使是百岁的老人都是如此,他们全部相信是龙普宏高僧给了他们第二次生命,因此愿意将自己的生命及身体全部奉献给高僧,以此得到高僧永久的庇佑。 龙普宏高僧另外一个故事是关于柬埔寨的女侠盗“麦裂”的。这名女侠盗专门劫富济贫、有50多人的手下、法术高强、能够隐身,柬埔寨的警察多次追捕她都告失败。后来请求龙普宏高僧协助捉拿,高僧了解了女侠盗的事情后要求警方答应:如果麦裂以后不再犯罪、就网开一面、不再捉拿她。警方随不愿意,但无奈之下也只好答应。随后,龙普宏高僧来到女盗家中,坐在屋中开始诵经,没过多时大师突然问道:“回来了么?”这时众人茫然的四处张望,但却见不到一个人影。谁知其实女盗已回到家中,隐身的状态进入了屋子,大师就跟女盗说:“进来吧。”众人就听见清脆的脚步声。大师一会儿又说:“坐吧。”之后便开始诵经,而女盗的身形这时已渐渐清晰起来,众人也见到了她的真身。女盗看到自己的隐身法被破解便想要掏枪,龙普宏就说“跌。”这女盗就不管怎样也掏不出枪来。龙普宏大师就问她:“这次服了么?”女盗深知龙普宏高僧的法力后便服从于高僧之下,在那以后便跟随大师学习佛法,严守五戒,最后还成了龙普宏的义妹。 还有一年,正直龙普宏高僧55岁时,龙普宏修行到了越南地区,在路上高僧遇到了几十名敌国士兵,这些士兵无缘无故就要杀害龙普宏高僧,拿出了M16步枪向高僧疯狂射击,可子弹到了龙普宏面前都落于高僧脚下,反复尝试,仍然没有效果。愤怒之下,这些士兵就把龙普宏关在一个铁笼子里扔向了水中,可过了10多分钟后将铁笼拿起一看,龙普宏不但没有事,而且连袈裟竟然都没有湿。最后,几个不服的士兵竟将龙普宏举起扔向了鳄鱼水潭,那些鳄鱼看到龙普宏入水,不但没有看到猎物的喜悦,反而吓得纷纷游走。此时,所有的士兵已不敢再多冒犯龙普宏高僧,一起向大师跪拜,还成了高僧的信徒。 龙普宏高僧爱护一切有生命的生物,建过很多鱼池来养鱼,还经常教导信众:要放生、戒杀、避免伤害任何的动物,连蟑螂、蜈蚣这样的生物也包括在内,龙普宏相信有因必有果,杀生是会有报应的,所以一定要多做好事,保护身边的动植物生存环境,此外绝对不能犯佛教的五戒。龙普宏靠着这个信念一直为善信祈福,使信众们得以安居乐业。凭借自己的高深法力与为善信服务的诚心,最后被推举为Wat Petchaburi佛寺的主持高僧,同样也是泰国苏林府内的第一高僧。 至于龙普宏高僧制作的佛牌,僧侣生涯中制作过很多种类,比如崇迪、必打、象神、自身像、七龙佛、古曼、坤平、药师佛、四面神、灭魔刀、招财女神、水神、善加财、巴拉吉、塔固、挡降贝、法镯、法戒、大地女神、湿婆神、鲁士、哈努曼、星、西瓦里行者等。可以说目前来讲绝大多数还是很平易近人的,市值不算是很高,除了少数由象牙等珍贵材料制作的崇迪以外。龙普宏早年间都处于修行期,基本是到了晚年才开始制作佛牌的,崇迪、自身像、坤平等圣物都有很好的佩戴口碑。在佛历2548年以前是龙普宏较为鼎盛的一个时期,之后高僧由于身体问题做的佛牌开始少了,以精为主,这个时期做了不少限量极少的象牙崇迪,目前也是市场上假货最多的一个佛牌类型了。佛历2556到现在还有不少值得收藏的小型供奉出寺,适合藏家及时入手。师傅于佛历2557年3月5日10点30分圆寂,结束了自己僧侣的旅程,享年96岁。
LP Hong a.k.a. Phra Kru Prasat Phromma Khun (Hong Phrommapanyo) Date of Birth : 11 March BE2462(1919) Ordination As A Novice: BE2480(1937) Higher Ordination:BE2483( 1940) Present Age:95 Pansa:74 years Surin,the land of one of the most famous top teachers presently is LP Hong Phrommapanyo. A Guru Master who know mantra and skilful in the sciences of different ceremony activities of ancient Cambodia. LP Hong has loving kindness to people, environment and all animaLP Hong can communicate with all domestic animal which seem to be unbelieveable. For instance,LP Hong can understand the language of crow (this is catupatisambhidappatto or one of the four forms of acumen which is Nirutti-patisambhida: acumen with regard to linguistic conventions. This include the ability to know the languages of living beings in general) same as the Guru Master of ancient time. Animal like snake, scorpion, tortoise, frog can gather together and won't harm each other. LP Hong was most respected by Jhow Narodom Sihanu the King of Cambodia. It's because LP Hong ever helped him to regain Cambodia from the French. There was a rumour that LP Hong Hong ever tested the heart of the King saying, "If I helped you to win the war how are you going to repay me? "The King answered,"I will give you half of Cambodia." In the end, the King won the war and offered half of Cambodia to LP Hong as promise. LP Hong rejected him and said, "We are monks what do we want it for?" LP Hong study from many teachers all monks, laity, teachers from the heavenly realm and Dhamma realm can be counted as hundred. Hence,LP Hong was considered as Phra Geji who has alot of teachers in Thai. That why the amulets of LP Hong has high power and efficacy also experiences in every aspect. LP Hong original name was Suwanna Hong Jak Mua Dee. LP Hong was the descendant of Cambodian, son of Mr Bok and Mrs In Jak Mua Dee. LP Hong's family was farmers. There were altogether 8 siblings and LP Hong was the eldest. LP Hong ordained as a novice at the age of 18. LP Hong's teacher like to call him,"Phromma Sorn. "Initially, LP Hong intended to ordain for 7 days only but later became almost 3 years until 21 years old then ordained as a monk. LP Hong received his ordination name as ,"Phromma Panyo" translated as,"he who has wisdom like Brahma." LP Hong was called as Hong from his real name since long time ago. LP Hong has high persistency and precise memory. After paying respect to his Preceptor LP Hong left for his dhutanga travel. LP Hong will dwell at the foot of a tree. Wearing only three garments practicing kammathana in deep forest or cemetry where it was conducive in developing the mind from morning till night. LP Hong took vegetarian food for only one meal per day. Later,LP Hong went to Sisaket a region which was famous for various occult sciences of mantra.LP Hong study occult arts with teachers who were monks and laity until he was satisfied then continue his travel to Cambodia. At the mountain range, LP Hong met teachers from Bang Bod or Lab Lae who were miraculous, very able and intrepid teacher. They were capable to be invisible or vanishing into thin air with their supernatural power. They have cetopariya-yana-knowing event in advance(It should be the ability to know the thought of others which is one of the six intuitive powers or chalabhinyo).T hat was likely to remind LP Hong to be conscious always. They handed down to LP Hong the occult art of making tagrud. When LP Hong entered into Cambodia, a country of Veda lineage renowned for it spell owing to Khmer Kingdom thosand years of history. With the support of LP Hong previous merit and virtue LP Hong was able to meet many teachers. Every teachers were satisfied with bhikkhu Hong who was submissive and humble. That bring on their loving kindness that made them very happy to present LP Hong all occult arts concealing none. Together with the Veda mantra and gatha for Metta,Maha Saneh,Jang Ngang,concealing danger,protection against weapon,fire,spear,sword,lip wax,protection against poison,protection against various black magic,make mantra water sprinkle and bath to remove insanity. From then on, LP Hong travelled pass mountain and forest towards the village Groo. The villagers gave top remark to the virtue of LP Hong Hong. Although LP Hong was going to return to Thai LP Hong had already spent altogether 36 long years in Cambodia. The period when LP Hong was 85 years old,LP Hong travelled to pay a visit to the Cambodian once again.When the villagers came to know about it they were very happy. One thousand villagers lie on their stomach in one line and invited LP Hong to walk and step on their back in order to gain auspiciousness. The reason for such pious faith was because of the war. One day,the rival party fired grenade and it land on the roof but it was strange that it didn't explode. It rolled along the edge of the roof and then dropped on the ground. It still didn't explode! All the villager escaped from the grasp of the Lord Yama. It's just like reborn after death and LP Hong resurrected them and gave them a new life. Hence,the Cambodian honour LP Hong as their god. LP Hong ever helped them to find the water source. Dug a pond for irrigation, planted tree and built pathway. LP Hong was their great doctor who nourished the spirit of all the Cambodian. LP Hong ever travelled to the border of Cambodia and Vietnam. When the Vietnam communist soldier met LP Hong they wanted to harm LP Hong but not able to do any harm. It was because of the power of LP Hong merit and virtue which was accumulated since previous life. It was also because of LP Hong powerful occult arts of spell and charm. Until there was news that LP Hong ever protects the Cambodian by making them able to avoid from various weapon. Before LP Hong wanted to return to Thai and spent his rain retreat at the Tung Mon cemetry Wat Pedburi Changwat Surin. The news was knew until nowadays. This temple was located at the Tung Mon village a old temple built by LPhaw Ped a Cambodia Guru Master so it was given a name as Wat Ped Buri so to honour LPhaw Ped who built it. Golden Word Of LP Hong Hong 1)If you take my amulets and used it already.If it's no good may I die a hundred times per day. 2)The thing which I am most afraid of is afraid that my grand disciples and disciples can't match the others. Real Life Experiences In The Power And Efficacy Of The Amulets There are too much to tell completely which were well known among the disciples. LP Hong would always remind us that if we already got good thing we shouldn't boast. The amulets of LP Hong are outstanding in all aspect. Whether it's Klaew Klaad,Kong Grapan,Maha Amnaj,Maha Jang Ngang,Choke Larp,Metta Ka Kai,Maha Saneh,Maha Niyom almost all of what you can wish for. For instance,in business. some disciples will raise their thumb up to LP Hong. It was believed that whoever have LP Hong's amulets mostly will have sale better than the others. Their competitor can't match them. There were many shop but the customer will love to buy from their shop only. Even Guman Tong of LP Hong will mostly gave fortunate, protection and always take care of you. 1)Paga Nak Jang Ngang There was a young women came to pay respect to LP Hong as she is going to study in French. She came across Paga Nak Jang Ngang which was inscribed with yantra by LP Hong which can be used as Meed Mhor. One day, she walked pass an isolated lane and something bad and harmful was going to happen to her. She got no idea what is she going to use to fight against it and protect herself. She grabbed the pen Paga Nak Jang Ngang and pointed at that villian. It happened that that villian got flung away instantly. It's like he met with something that made him extremely frightened. That gave that young women a chance to escape and got free from danger. This story was well known within the group of LP Hong's disciples and it was the experience in the initial period. It was because the Paga Long Arkom was considered as amulet which was produced for the first time. You can say it's the amulet of LP Hong. Although later it was produced again it's was still sold out completely. It had value which match all Meed Mhor. 2)Fire Moved Away On one occasion,a Japanese came to pay respect to LP Hong because of fire in one of the village in Japan. There was only one house that did not get burned owing to the Phayant of LP Hong(possibly he got it from the Thai staying in Japan). The fire was raging rapidly because the houses of the Japanese was built of wood and paper. Hence, it's not possible that any house would be spare. But just when the fire came to the house with the Phayant of LP Hong . The fire went about the house. When the Japanese fire engine arrived and saw what happened they were all astonished. It's because only this single house was spare from fire. Just when they went in they saw Phayant of LP Hong framed up in wooden frame. The owner of this house was not at home when the fire occurred. But it was his friend whose house was burned related to him what had actually happened. Hence, he travelled to look for LP Hong Hong in Surin. It was really one of the most mysterious story ever happened. 3)Guman Tong Kanorng Rid There was a primary school pupil bully by his friend who was bigger in size than he is.His father rented a LP Hong Hong Guman Tong for him to wear and told the Guman Tong to care of his brother.Just when the time the friend of this pupil want to come and bully him,that day it seen that the boy was not his usual self. He managed to grab him and throw him down to the ground.That bully injured his head and got very frightened. From that day, they don't dare to bully him again. 4)The Story About Avoiding Accident Mr Nawin was working in the railway station. He kept a Phra Pidta Mai Rak(made of black varnish wood)stuffed with powder Chai Worn Mun and Phra Khun Paen Chai Worn Mun. His friend entrusted him to help to rent Phra Khun Paen and Mr Nawin related all that had happened to him. He said,"LP Hong is very capable, if I don't have Phra Khun Paen with Tagrud Chai Worn Mun. I assume that my face and hands would already be seriously wounded." I asked him why? Mr Nawin continue to relate further. That day,accidentally the fire exhaust pipe on top of the train was spoil. The screw was difficulty to remove and it's was very hot because the pipe line had just broken not long. At that time,he stretched his hand inside to fix it but out of a sudden the pipe burst with a loud blast. The pipe burst scattering all over his face and both of his palm. Later,Mr Nawin thought that his face and palm were probably corroded. It happened that when he turned up his palm to have a look. He said,"I am very happy that there were no wound it's absolutely unbelieveable. There were no fragment,blood trace or even a single scratch. I really revered LP Hong so much that I am going to pay my respect to him frequently." He took out his Phra Khun Paen with Takrut Chai Worn Mun from his collar at the same time raise it up to his head in a very respectful manner. 5)Kong Grapan And Maha Ud The power and efficacy in Kong Grapan and Maha Ud will definitely be filled up by LP Hong Hong. This was well known in his group of disciples,soldiers and police officers who had ever stepped on a bomb and nothing happened. They were not even afraid of bomb the size of their arm will explode when dropped infront of them.Even machine gun can't do anything to them. The news that was widely related was a disciple of LP Hong got shot but nothing happened to him. It's because the bullet flow out like fluid dripping down at the muzzle(This is the occult art of Pheun Taek Nam of LP Hong ). Another story, there was a police officer who took Tagrud Nam(Water Tagrud) of LP Hong to test by opening fire at it.He put it into the water it happened that the tagrud swim and flee away!(It moved like it's a living thing) Real Life Experiences In The Power And Efficacy Of The Amulets There are too much to tell completely which were well known among the disciples. LP Hong would always remind us that if we already got good thing we shouldn't boast. The amulets of LP Hong are outstanding in all aspect. Whether it's Klaew Klaad,Kong Grapan,Maha Amnaj,Maha Jang Ngang,Choke Larp,Metta Ka Kai,Maha Saneh,Maha Niyom almost all of what you can wish for. For instance,in business. some disciples will raise their thumb up to LP Hong. It was believed that whoever have LP Hong's amulets mostly will have sale better than the others. Their competitor can't match them. There were many shop but the customer will love to buy from their shop only. Even Guman Tong of LP Hong will mostly gave fortunate, protection and always take care of you. 1)Paga Nak Jang Ngang There was a young women came to pay respect to LP Hong as she is going to study in French. She came across Paga Nak Jang Ngang which was inscribed with yantra by LP Hong which can be used as Meed Mhor. One day, she walked pass an isolated lane and something bad and harmful was going to happen to her. She got no idea what is she going to use to fight against it and protect herself. She grabbed the pen Paga Nak Jang Ngang and pointed at that villian. It happened that that villian got flung away instantly. It's like he met with something that made him extremely frightened. That gave that young women a chance to escape and got free from danger. This story was well known within the group of LP Hong's disciples and it was the experience in the initial period. It was because the Paga Long Arkom was considered as amulet which was produced for the first time. You can say it's the amulet of LP Hong. Although later it was produced again it's was still sold out completely. It had value which match all Meed Mhor. 2)Fire Moved Away On one occasion,a Japanese came to pay respect to LP Hong because of fire in one of the village in Japan. There was only one house that did not get burned owing to the Phayant of LP Hong(possibly he got it from the Thai staying in Japan). The fire was raging rapidly because the houses of the Japanese was built of wood and paper. Hence, it's not possible that any house would be spare. But just when the fire came to the house with the Phayant of LP Hong . The fire went about the house. When the Japanese fire engine arrived and saw what happened they were all astonished. It's because only this single house was spare from fire. Just when they went in they saw Phayant of LP Hong framed up in wooden frame. The owner of this house was not at home when the fire occurred. But it was his friend whose house was burned related to him what had actually happened. Hence, he travelled to look for LP Hong Hong in Surin. It was really one of the most mysterious story ever happened. 3)Guman Tong Kanorng Rid There was a primary school pupil bully by his friend who was bigger in size than he is.His father rented a LP Hong Hong Guman Tong for him to wear and told the Guman Tong to care of his brother.Just when the time the friend of this pupil want to come and bully him,that day it seen that the boy was not his usual self. He managed to grab him and throw him down to the ground.That bully injured his head and got very frightened. From that day, they don't dare to bully him again. 4)The Story About Avoiding Accident Mr Nawin was working in the railway station. He kept a Phra Pidta Mai Rak(made of black varnish wood)stuffed with powder Chai Worn Mun and Phra Khun Paen Chai Worn Mun. His friend entrusted him to help to rent Phra Khun Paen and Mr Nawin related all that had happened to him. He said,"LP Hong is very capable, if I don't have Phra Khun Paen with Tagrud Chai Worn Mun. I assume that my face and hands would already be seriously wounded." I asked him why? Mr Nawin continue to relate further. That day,accidentally the fire exhaust pipe on top of the train was spoil. The screw was difficulty to remove and it's was very hot because the pipe line had just broken not long. At that time,he stretched his hand inside to fix it but out of a sudden the pipe burst with a loud blast. The pipe burst scattering all over his face and both of his palm. Later,Mr Nawin thought that his face and palm were probably corroded. It happened that when he turned up his palm to have a look. He said,"I am very happy that there were no wound it's absolutely unbelieveable. There were no fragment,blood trace or even a single scratch. I really revered LP Hong so much that I am going to pay my respect to him frequently." He took out his Phra Khun Paen with Takrut Chai Worn Mun from his collar at the same time raise it up to his head in a very respectful manner. 5)Kong Grapan And Maha Ud The power and efficacy in Kong Grapan and Maha Ud will definitely be filled up by LP Hong Hong. This was well known in his group of disciples,soldiers and police officers who had ever stepped on a bomb and nothing happened. They were not even afraid of bomb the size of their arm will explode when dropped infront of them.Even machine gun can't do anything to them. The news that was widely related was a disciple of LP Hong got shot but nothing happened to him. It's because the bullet flow out like fluid dripping down at the muzzle(This is the occult art of Pheun Taek Nam of LP Hong ). Another story, there was a police officer who took Tagrud Nam(Water Tagrud) of LP Hong to test by opening fire at it.He put it into the water it happened that the tagrud swim and flee away!(It moved like it's a living thing) Just when he pulled the trigger for the first time it didn't fire but produced loud,"Chae" sound. He pulled the trigger again and the same thing happened. He thought that if this time it still can't fire he will go and pay respect to LP Hong. He pulled the trigger again and yet it's still produced loud,"Chae" sound for the third time consecutively. He got into his car and sped all the way to look for LP Hong. He didn't even come close to LP Hong yet .LP Hong started to speak,"Things are not there for testing." The police officer was absolutely dumbfounded and stunned ! LP Hong Hong Talk About His Consecration Ceremony Managing the consecration correctly and correct for the teachers. Even sitting for the whole day will not get tired. But if the ceremony was not set up correctly and not correct for the teachers. It's like not looking out letting the waist pain and ache wouldn't able to sit for long. Because the ceremony, all ceremony LP Hong didn't perform alone but merely recite and meditate on the gatha, inviting the teachers to come down to consecrate. We are just ordinary people how are we going to be better than the Lord Buddha or the celestial beings. We only meditate and making wishes for our disciples to be prosperous helping to protect and taking care of them. If you are doing business or serving in various government sector will be prosperous and not be defeated by others. The thing which I afraid most is afraid that my disciples can't match with the others. We then have to be diligent in reciting and meditating for abit longer and still have to bear with it. Never mind. I wish my disciples be good and useful. But as LP Hong already fully well done I wish that everybody help each other to maintain themselves. It's the same like in taking care of LP Hong things that is nothing much. You must be able to abstain your mind, you are then considered as a good man. Especially,don't drink liquor(abstain from anything that causes intoxication and heedlessness) or commit sexual misconduct this is then considered as a good and useful man. Whoever want to be grandchildren or as disciples of LP Hong there is not much of ceremony to support other than observing the 5 precepts and think of LP Hong(Sanghanusati-The recollection of the Sangha).Meditate on,"Nak May Ti" 9-12 times then it will work. .................................................. ........... All the amulets that LP Hong meditated.LP Hong remarked always,"Every kind is good even the box for the amulet also don't throw.If anyone want to throw give it to LP Hong." LP Hong mostly will tell the disciples always,"My things take and used it already. If it is no good then I wish that I will die 100 times per day. I merely request you to observe the 5 precepts,don't drink liquor then there is nothing can do to you."

Monday, April 23, 2018

Rian Roon Sorng (2nd batch) Archan Fon Deserwang, Nur Fabart, made and consecrated by Archan Aik (long hair), Samnak Sukhumvit, Bangkok (B.E.2548).

No. : 694

Archan Aik 吐自己的圣血加入这帮牌作为开光仪式的一部分。

*Made by alms bowl material.

Archan Fon Deserwang(阿赞方/丰)
阿赞丰佛历2426 年出生於Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya,是一位被泰国人称作一流武林高手的一位白衣大师,但是没有鼻子。

阿赞丰小时候常常生病,据传得过很严重的鼻炎後鼻子就没有了。10岁时他父母送他去读书,当时读书是要去庙读的。阿赞丰大师跟其他人不同, 他虽然读了很久的书,可最後只会写自己的名字罢了,所以考试不及格。

当时读书的寺庙主持是龙婆Krot 是当时很出名的一位黄衣师父,龙婆Krot 看见阿赞方没有鼻子很丑常常被人捉弄就很同情他,龙婆Krot 就跟Archan Fon 讲这样下去不是办法,就讲要教他Metta(人缘)的经文叫他学学看。因为Archan Fon 不认识字龙婆Krot 就念给他听,很奇怪的是Archan Fon 只听了两三篇就把那经文记得清清楚楚了。学会後阿赞方就去找那些讨厌他的试试看,他念了那经文後就去跟那些人打招呼很奇怪的那些人看见阿赞方, 阿赞方还来不及开口那些人就叫她跟他很好了。阿赞方心想原来这世上还有这样的功夫。
此后他就回去庙想再跟龙婆Krot 学经文,可是龙婆Krot 已不在人世了。阿赞方很失望就进去龙婆Krot 的房间找,他在龙婆Krot 的房间找到几本经书。因为它不会认识字他就去找他朋友叫他朋友帮忙念给他听,他就把那些经文全部记住。

在他二十多岁时他就出家当和尚,到森林里去修行。他在森林里发现了一建庙Wat KaiFa,里面只有一位师父就是龙婆Dee。他就跟龙婆Dee 求要住在庙里,龙婆Dee 很可怜他就给他住。阿赞方很勤劳帮忙打扫庙。有一晚Achan Fon 去龙婆Dee 的房间找龙婆Dee。可是龙婆Dee不在,这时阿赞方看见龙婆Dee 在竹林的其中一个竹筒里走出来,好像什麽事都没有发生一样坐下来跟阿赞方聊天。

阿赞方心里知道龙婆Dee 是一位很不简单的师父,很想拜龙婆Dee 为师可是还没有机会。他就决定在庙里多住一阵子,有一晚他听见森林里有女生的哭声他就去看看,阿赞方看见有一位穿古代衣服的女生,那女生说她是一棵树,是TonDartKian 千年老树里的树神,泰国人很崇拜TonDartKian。那女神就求阿赞方帮她,阿赞方问要帮什麽?那女神说迟些你就会知道,你帮我後我会报答你的。就这样阿赞方不明不白的回到庙里去了。第二天早上阿赞方听到有很多人的脚步声就出去看看,原来那些人要砍掉一棵老树,阿赞方就明白为什麽女神要向他求救。

阿赞方就劝那些人不要砍,那些人不听他的话反而要打他,阿赞方就到一边念起Metta 的经文,念完经後再去劝那些人很奇怪的那些人全部答应阿赞方不在砍那棵树了。过了几天後那女神就去找阿赞方,其实阿赞方已把砍树的事忘了。那女神就讲要拿一本经书来报答阿赞方,她叫阿赞方到某某地方找那本经书。Achan Fon 按照女神的指引真的就找到了那本经书,拿到经书后阿赞方不会看又再去找他朋友帮忙念给他听。他朋友告诉他说这本经书里的经文全部都是怪怪的,有被刀割伤止血的经文,把树叶变成蜜蜂的经文,被毒蛇咬到救治的经文等等。阿赞方把全部经文都记起来,过後他就拿那经文来试试看,他就拿刀在他手掌心割一刀,他的手就马上留出很多血。他就开始念起止血的经文过後不到一分钟他的手真的止血连伤口也没有掉。

阿赞方还是一位爱出风头的人,他知道自己的功夫跟其他师父不一样每一样工夫都可以做表演,他就叫很多人来看他表演。之后他就到Bangkok 的Wat Sakiat 住,泰国僧王(Somdej Kiao)的庙。他在那庙还是一样的做表演,那边的师父告诉他出家人不可以这样,可他还是很想出风头索性还俗做白衣师父。那时他才不到三十岁,还俗后他就到处走,一路上如果有人作弄他而又是美女他就用经文把那女子弄过来睡后就放人。如果他看见心仪的女子他也是用经文把那女子弄过来睡后就作他老婆。所以他有很多老婆和孩子。

很多泰国人讲阿赞方的功夫比坤平还要厉害,因为坤平要得到女生他要拿东西来念经后给那女子吃才能得到那女子。阿赞方只是有经文就可以把女生弄到手,人缘比坤平更厉害,所以很多人都讲他的功夫比坤平好很多。 阿赞方比其他师父古怪,凡是谁要拜他为师都要先拿自己的手给毒蛇咬然後让阿赞方医。在佛历2480 年的时候阿赞方就跟他的徒弟和信徒讲三年後会有战争,大家都不明白阿赞方在讲什麽。

在佛历2483 年战争真的发生了也就是大家都懂的IndoChine War 。当时泰国政府请了很多厉害的黄衣师父来做佛牌,符通,布符等等。其中比较出名的黄衣师父有龙婆Opasi, 龙婆钟 Wat Na Tang Nok等等。而请来的白衣师父就只有阿赞方一人而已。由於Archan Fon 不认识字不会写经文,他就拿日本长刀插进自己的嘴巴让血滴在白布上一边滴一边念经,滴完后多余的血就用杯装起来再喷到白布上。阿赞方的布符一个经文都没有,然後阿赞方将喷有血的布弄成很多块小布分给兵用,有拿到他的血布符的兵多少个出去打仗大多都能全部平安回来。

阿赞方是在佛历2489 年7月15日去世的,享年63岁。大师一生不曾制作过任何佛牌圣物,所以如果遇到说阿赞方做的圣物各位就要小心了,阿赞方制作过符布而已。所谓的阿赞方自身是在佛历2490 开始,由其弟子制作的,据说加入了阿赞方的骨灰头发等等

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Takrut Hua Jai Lokathat (early batch), Flower Code, Nur Ngern (Silver Material), Chao Khun Surasak, Wat Pradoo, Samut Songkhram.

*With CK Surasak handwritten yant & signature.

Takrut Lokathat

Lokathat 如果翻译成英文,就是 world elements。据说这 takrut 的用途多元化。在紧急时候,可以吞进肚子里,就能够化险为夷。

如果吞了这 takrut,临睡前可以许愿,早上起来,就会发现它会出现在你的身边,而不会随大便一起出来。

它的经文是:icchanto citto icchanto lokadhatumhi attabhavenang naduyi varavisati siddhang la a

而做这 takrut 的人 (师父) ,必须能够用专注力,使蜡烛芯断掉才算功成。所以,这不是每个人可以做得到得。

Thanks for people who support us. This takrut has been rented.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Phra Pidta Loy Ong, Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Wahn with Jang Rak, bottom inserted with a takrut, Chao Khun Onn, Wat Prachum Cholthara, Sungai Padi, Narathiwat Province (B.E.2538).

在今时今日的泰南,因为有着不同的宗教信仰,在当地时常会爆发宗教冲突。比如泰南的回教武装分子,时常会策划恐怖活动。但在当地却有一位高僧,不只受到佛教徒们的尊重,也被回教徒和其它的宗教信徒所尊重。他就是泰王御封的僧王昭坤ONN,现在在 Sugaipadee被称为 Tontep (全名:PratepSinlaveesut/ Onn tontajitto) 昭坤ONN在泰国是一位知名高僧,今年72岁,出生于1938年一月七日。

昭坤ONN在二十一岁时出家为僧,并拜龙婆术为师。龙婆术跟大马比打王TOK RAJA为同门师兄弟,他们的师父也是泰国有名的高僧龙婆占。昭坤ONN在年轻时对于修行非常的精进所以很受到当地人的尊敬,也同时他怀有一颗慈悲的心,引用他那丰富的佛学知识去帮助人民解决很多纠纷和难题。 昭坤ONN可称为一位非常特殊的僧人,不但会马来语,对建筑与设计也非常感兴趣,而且还是为修行非常严格的僧人。昭坤ONN是泰南一带信众的心灵依靠者。由于泰国南部出现恐怖分子发生枪战,昭坤ONN常以佛法引导信众让大家勇敢的面对乱局。更加鼓励佛教徒与伊斯兰教徒和平相处,互相帮助,并教导人民不应因彼此信奉不同的宗教,就互相仇视彼此,应该尊重和体谅彼此。也因为如此,每当昭坤ONN有任何法会或生日时,当地的回教代表都会出席并献上捐款给与他们所尊重的昭坤ONN。

昭坤ONN在东南亚各国家都有大量的信徒,每天都会有不同国籍的信徒上门拜访,希望得到昭坤ONN的祝福。有时一天的访客太多了,可是昭坤ONN不忍拒绝千里迢迢来拜访他的信徒,便强打起精神为信徒加持与祈福。信徒被得到昭坤ONN的祝福,都在所求的方面有所好转,同时一些得到昭坤ONN提醒未来将会发生什么事的信徒,也一一的应验了!!所以信徒们相信,照坤ONN有一张“金口”,所讲出的事都会实现。 昭坤ONN和泰国皇室的关系非常的好,举凡昭坤ONN举办任何法会,皇室必派成员出席,这也要说到早年泰皇与昭坤的相遇。在昭坤ONN刚步入中年时,有一次,泰国九世皇蒲眉蓬南下省察民情,从当地的官员与民众口中听到昭坤ONN的事迹,钦佩之心油然而起,便邀请昭坤ONN一路陪伴省察。

九世皇在一路的省察过程都向昭坤ONN询问意见,而昭坤ONN的回答总是能解答泰皇的疑问,并提出了非常好和能解决问题的意见。 泰皇经过这次的会面,对昭坤深感钦佩不已,便在回宫后不久,亲自册封昭坤ONN为僧王(照坤),而这荣衔在泰国僧侣的阶级上仅次于只有一位的“顺德治”。泰皇同时也任命昭坤ONN为曼谷市一间庙的住持,同时委任昭坤ONN为Narathiwa, pathani 和yala这三省政府部门和寺庙的总顾问,所以有什么问题无法做出一个决定时,便会请教昭坤ONN。昭坤ONN同时也是WatKaogo, wat phadihauthalam和wat phalamsaddhi的顾问,不只这些,吉兰丹所有的寺庙在有法会都会通知昭坤ONN,希望他能出席。

泰皇也以昭坤ONN的名义开一个基金会,再调动一大笔钱进入者基金会,任昭坤调动。而昭坤ONN也运用基金会在泰南长期支持寺庙发展,成人学校活动,并帮助贫困的人民。 昭坤ONN常为生病的信徒祈福,并赠予生病的信徒他所加持过的圣水。喝了这些圣水的信徒们,如果天寿已尽,就很安详并没有痛苦的离去。如果并非阳寿将至或业障所引起的疾病,信徒们喝了圣水后,很快便康复了。 昭坤ONN本身所出的佛牌也非常的有名,由于跟TOK RAJA 师承一脉,照坤ONN也非常善长制造“必达”:富贵遮面佛佛牌。这包括铜牌,黑木必达等等。相传:曾经有军人佩戴昭坤 Onn的佛牌跟恐怖分子战斗,结果军人安全无事!

照坤ONN所制作的佛牌里最受藏家喜爱的是2538年第一批的必达佛牌 。 此批必达无论用料或加持开光都是相当圆满.用料方面包括了:2497龙普托旧粉,108种草药,龙波Dum (Wat Mainaparam已故泰南高僧也是制作立体必达闻名)的特别老粉等等.. 开光方面有昭坤Onn先开光然后送由阿詹弄(wat saikao),龙波本(Wat Bangphra),龙波Dum(Wat Mainaparam) ,龙波Keaw (Wat Huigor目前泰南制作龙普托佛牌高僧),瓦仓海(Wat changhai)和瓦邦蛇( Wat Bangshe)在度加持开光。

已有圆满的效力的证明,一向是回教武装分子最活跃的南部yala省在不久前一位佩戴此必达的信众遭到回教武装的攻击而逃过一劫,令大师此批必达名声大噪加上泰皇的钦点新马藏家都认为此批是南部最有收藏和佩戴价值的必达。 在这佛教末法的时代,还能有一位福慧双修高僧,实乃佛教徒之福分。而难得的是昭坤ONN也不辞劳苦,不在乎自己日渐年迈的身体周游列国,只为了能帮助各国的信徒们,加强他们对佛法的了解与信任,并为他们祈福,加持改善信徒们的运势。昭坤ONN的德行,真正的体现出佛教的慈悲与普渡丛生的精神,在此也向昭坤ONN献上万二分的敬意。
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Phra Kring Vimon Yan Udom, Num Lerk, Ajahn Tew, Wat Manichulakarn, Lopburi (B.E.2553)

No. : 67
Made : 108 pieces
*Num Lerk - 师父亲手倒膜。

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Holy Spiritual Brown Phra Khun Paen Prai Jampi Sarapat Nuek, Archan Thong, Wat Phutthakien, Kanchanaburi (B.E.2559)

No. : 643 
Made : 2559 pieces

If you see carefully, there are a few pcs of Ac Thong's holy hairs added inside the material.

*Come with temple box. Brand new, unworn.

This is the first time for Archan Thong, abbot of Wat Phutthakien, Kanchanaburi province to make “Phra Khun Paen Prai Jampi Sarapat Nuek”. This pentagonal Buddha amulet is powerful with spiritual power because being mixed with spirit powder or “Phong Prai” a rare influential ingredient. This one, Archan Thong made to give out people in Buccha Kru (worshiping teachers) Event 2016. He molded and blessed this amulet by himself.

Effect: As for Prai (spiritual) amulets, they contain strong mystical power that can help and fulfill what owner prays for very quickly. The same in Phra Khun Paen Prai Jampi Sarapat Nuek, it imparts magical power to owner’s charm, luck, security, business, etc. as if it happens like you wish, a meaning of “Sarapat Nuek”.

About Guru Monk:
This is Luang Phor Thong (often called Phra Archan Thong, rank name: Phra Kru Sutthisansopit), abbot of Wat 
Phutthakien,  Kanchanaburi province. Ac Thong is a skilled guru monk because he studied magic and mantras with gurus. Ac Thong would like to apply his magical knowledge in order to support temple affairs and maintain Buddhism.

Ac Thong is a highly respected monk from Kanchanaburi and he has been a monk for over 20 years already. Although he is just in his forties, he has been abbot of Wat Phutthakien since 2542 (17 years). He is deeply respected by villagers despite his age and his temple is always crowded by them. He is also always invited to participate in mass chanting ceremonies in other provinces.

His lineage of masters are as follows:
1) Phra Kru Wira Panya, Wat Nong Suan (Preceptor of Ac Thong & also nephew of Lp Phu, Wat Chang)

2) Phra Kru Pisan, Wat Soi Samakee ( Learnt the art of making namon (holy water)

3) Lp Chup, Wat Wangajak (widely recognised as No.1 guru monk of Kanchanaburi Province)

4) Lp Sergiam, Wat Bantoom

5) Lp Somboon, Wat Hong Matanaram

6) Lp Ser Nong Chart, Wat Yensanit

7) Lp Maha Surasak, Wat Pradoo

8) Lp Noom, Wat Bangwek

9) Lp Chalerm, Wat Kradoktong

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Monday, April 16, 2018

Phra Pidta, Lor Bo Rarn, Arthithan Jit, Luang Pu Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (early batch).

No. : 280
*Brand new, unworn. Come with temple box.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

No.1 Phra Rahu of Southern Thailand, Nur Loha Pasom, made by Ajarn Si Ngern & Ajarn Prajuab, Wat Donsala, Phatthalung Province (B.E.2538).

*This Rahu was made and consecrate during solar eclipse. One of the BEST Rahu that ever made.

*Mixed with a lots of old rians and takruts from Geji Ajarn of Wat Khao Or lineage.

Effect : Good Luck, Get rid of Bad Luck, Prevent Backstabber, Transform Negative Energy, Successful in everything you do, attract good opportunity to you, good business, good wealth luck.

功效:好运, 增人缘, 避小人, 增强事业运。
Come with Thaprachan verification card. 100% genuine or else money back guarantee. To make sure that friends and customers "rent" or "chao" with confident.

Ajarn Si Ngern, Wat Donsala, Phatthalung.
Ajahn Prajuab (from Wat Khao Or lineage).

Phra Pidta Nak Muay (泰拳击手面闭眼佛), Roon Raek (1st batch), Nur Nawak (九宝铜), Ajarn Utai, Wat Vihansoon, Phatthalung (B.E.2549).

Made : 200 pieces

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Phra Somdej, crack mould (裂模), Sao Ha, Nur Phong Ittijae, Mass Chanted, Wat Rakhang Khositraram Woramahavihan, Bangkok (B.E.2536).

Brand new, Unworn. Come with temple box.
Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.