Monday, November 28, 2016

Rooplor Luang Phor Sawai riding Rooster, Nur Nawak, Wat Preedararm, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2541)

Base with temple code and serial number. Come with orginal temple box.

No. : 561

龙婆撒怀这个名字在泰国有很多高僧同名不过这一位หลวงพ่อไสว(译音:龙波撒怀) 可是一位泰国佛统府知名的高僧佛历2464年(西元1921年) 1月18日出生于泰国大城府父亲叫เสื่อ(译音:舍)母亲叫ยิ้ม (译音:音) 父亲是一位村长同时也是一位具有特殊技能的人也常喝酒一旦酒醉了就会吃玻璃甚至还有吹火等法术表演给村子的人看这些印象在师父的心底深植师父对这些还蛮有兴趣的但是还小所以没办法学之后父亲过世师父就开始去各地居住到最后师父就到วัดยายส้ม(译音:瓦亚宋) 或现在叫วัดปรีดาราม(译音:瓦比达兰)寺庙在2481年时国小毕业学校就是在本寺的学校所以就在本庙当小和尚由วัดเชิงเลน(译音:瓦称连)寺的หลวงปู่ใจ(译音:龙普斋)师父收他为徒当时的龙普斋在当地也是一位很有名的师父龙波撒怀师父在本庙当小和尚4年于2484年7月4日正式出家由วัดบางช้างใต้ (译音:瓦邦长代)寺的หลวงพ่อใย (译音:龙波呀)剃度取了一个名叫ฐิตวณุโณ(译音:底汪怒啂) 师父先从经文巴利文学起及นั่งสมาธิ(译音:三麻替乃禅坐之意) อาคมต่างๆ以及法术等等因师父从小就很有兴趣了于是师父开始找对法术厉害的高僧拜师有些法术甚至对生命有危险师父也都不怕坚持到学会为止龙波撒怀高僧曾经跟很多有名的高僧学习例举其中几位他曾经是这几位师父的徒弟… 1.หลวงปู่พูน วัดใหม่ปิ่นเกลียว (译音:龙普喷,瓦买丙寺) 2.หลวงพ่อแช่ม วัดตาก้อง (译音:龙波欠,瓦答贡寺) 3.หลวงพ่อวงษ์ วัดทุ่งผัดกูด (译音:龙普翁,瓦痛啪古寺) 4.หลวงพ่อเงิน วัดดอนยายหอม (译音:龙普艮,瓦咚亚宏寺) 以上的师父都有教龙波撒怀督造佛牌的技术加持牌的方法所以师父督造的佛牌是非常受欢迎的在泰国佛牌界还流传道这位高僧亲制佛牌的声望可以算是一位名声排在很前面的论法术龙波撒怀高僧在当时可是赫赫有名当地是无人不晓他也非常正直将老寺วัดปรีดาราม(译音:瓦比达兰)这间寺庙盖成大庙一般的寺院以及整体修建是他很大的一个理想督造佛牌募款也是为了寺庙及僧众在佛历2544年(西元2001年) 终于将整间寺庙盖成了照片里面的宏伟模样百姓也都很欢喜但同年龙波撒怀高僧也在11月11日圆寂享年80岁金身也供奉于寺中。

Luang Phor SaWai
Luang Phor SaWai of Wat PreeDaRarm, NaKhon Pathom province. LP was born in Ayutthaya province on 18 January 1921. LP SaWai was novice at the age of 16 at Wat PreeDaRarm and was ordained as a monk on 4 July 1941. He was ordained by LP Yai, Phra Arjarn Jerm and Phra Arjarn Pleung and was given the religious name of TiTaVaNo.

He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, LP commenced studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Poon of Wat MaiPinGlee-oh, LP Ngurn of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn Yung, LP Kow of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn PinRaud, Arjarn Cham, LP PaLudToo of Wat NgaungSur-ah, and LP PraPun ComeSing.

LP SaWai went also called “Tudong” in the jungle alone at Northeast of Thailand. Tudong is monk’s journey to gain knowledge, to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. Asian people such as Thai, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong respect such a monk who made amulet was very famous in wealth and protection. LP was well known among amulet collectors. Many people said that LP SaWai was a monk who possessed a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and bahramee (power). LP SaWai was well known for making “Phra Khun Paen” LP SaWai passed away on 11 November 2000 at the age of 80.

Phra Khun Paen Rainbow Colors (3 Gold handwrite Yant Takruts & a Gemstone), Luang Phor Sawai, Wat Preedaram, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2542).

*the side of the amulets with LP Sawai handwritten Yant.

-Come with stainless steel ah fook casing.

龙婆撒怀这个名字在泰国有很多高僧同名不过这一位หลวงพ่อไสว(译音:龙波撒怀) 可是一位泰国佛统府知名的高僧佛历2464年(西元1921年) 1月18日出生于泰国大城府父亲叫เสื่อ(译音:舍)母亲叫ยิ้ม (译音:音) 父亲是一位村长同时也是一位具有特殊技能的人也常喝酒一旦酒醉了就会吃玻璃甚至还有吹火等法术表演给村子的人看这些印象在师父的心底深植师父对这些还蛮有兴趣的但是还小所以没办法学之后父亲过世师父就开始去各地居住到最后师父就到วัดยายส้ม(译音:瓦亚宋) 或现在叫วัดปรีดาราม(译音:瓦比达兰)寺庙在2481年时国小毕业学校就是在本寺的学校所以就在本庙当小和尚由วัดเชิงเลน(译音:瓦称连)寺的หลวงปู่ใจ(译音:龙普斋)师父收他为徒当时的龙普斋在当地也是一位很有名的师父龙波撒怀师父在本庙当小和尚4年于2484年7月4日正式出家由วัดบางช้างใต้ (译音:瓦邦长代)寺的หลวงพ่อใย (译音:龙波呀)剃度取了一个名叫ฐิตวณุโณ(译音:底汪怒啂) 师父先从经文巴利文学起及นั่งสมาธิ(译音:三麻替乃禅坐之意) อาคมต่างๆ以及法术等等因师父从小就很有兴趣了于是师父开始找对法术厉害的高僧拜师有些法术甚至对生命有危险师父也都不怕坚持到学会为止龙波撒怀高僧曾经跟很多有名的高僧学习例举其中几位他曾经是这几位师父的徒弟… 1.หลวงปู่พูน วัดใหม่ปิ่นเกลียว (译音:龙普喷,瓦买丙寺) 2.หลวงพ่อแช่ม วัดตาก้อง (译音:龙波欠,瓦答贡寺) 3.หลวงพ่อวงษ์ วัดทุ่งผัดกูด (译音:龙普翁,瓦痛啪古寺) 4.หลวงพ่อเงิน วัดดอนยายหอม (译音:龙普艮,瓦咚亚宏寺) 以上的师父都有教龙波撒怀督造佛牌的技术加持牌的方法所以师父督造的佛牌是非常受欢迎的在泰国佛牌界还流传道这位高僧亲制佛牌的声望可以算是一位名声排在很前面的论法术龙波撒怀高僧在当时可是赫赫有名当地是无人不晓他也非常正直将老寺วัดปรีดาราม(译音:瓦比达兰)这间寺庙盖成大庙一般的寺院以及整体修建是他很大的一个理想督造佛牌募款也是为了寺庙及僧众在佛历2544年(西元2001年) 终于将整间寺庙盖成了照片里面的宏伟模样百姓也都很欢喜但同年龙波撒怀高僧也在11月11日圆寂享年80岁金身也供奉于寺中。

Luang Phor SaWai
Luang Phor SaWai of Wat PreeDaRarm, NaKhon Pathom province. LP was born in Ayutthaya province on 18 January 1921. LP SaWai was novice at the age of 16 at Wat PreeDaRarm and was ordained as a monk on 4 July 1941. He was ordained by LP Yai, Phra Arjarn Jerm and Phra Arjarn Pleung and was given the religious name of TiTaVaNo.

He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, LP commenced studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Poon of Wat MaiPinGlee-oh, LP Ngurn of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn Yung, LP Kow of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn PinRaud, Arjarn Cham, LP PaLudToo of Wat NgaungSur-ah, and LP PraPun ComeSing.

LP SaWai went also called “Tudong” in the jungle alone at Northeast of Thailand. Tudong is monk’s journey to gain knowledge, to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. Asian people such as Thai, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong respect such a monk who made amulet was very famous in wealth and protection. LP was well known among amulet collectors. Many people said that LP SaWai was a monk who possessed a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and bahramee (power). LP SaWai was well known for making “Phra Khun Paen” LP SaWai passed away on 11 November 2000 at the age of 80.

Effect : Increase charming and attractiveness, Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Good in dealing with people, Good in relationship, Improve to strong money luck and strong business luck, your business can grow when everything is going your way.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Phra Khun Paen Purple Colors Tiger Stripe (3 Gold Takruts, a Gemstone & LP Sawai hairs), behind with a piece of LP Sawai Locket, Phim Kamakan, Luang Phor Sawai, Wat Preedaram, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2542).

With temple code and number in the bottom of the amulet.

龙婆撒怀这个名字在泰国有很多高僧同名不过这一位หลวงพ่อไสว(译音:龙波撒怀) 可是一位泰国佛统府知名的高僧佛历2464年(西元1921年) 1月18日出生于泰国大城府父亲叫เสื่อ(译音:舍)母亲叫ยิ้ม (译音:音) 父亲是一位村长同时也是一位具有特殊技能的人也常喝酒一旦酒醉了就会吃玻璃甚至还有吹火等法术表演给村子的人看这些印象在师父的心底深植师父对这些还蛮有兴趣的但是还小所以没办法学之后父亲过世师父就开始去各地居住到最后师父就到วัดยายส้ม(译音:瓦亚宋) 或现在叫วัดปรีดาราม(译音:瓦比达兰)寺庙在2481年时国小毕业学校就是在本寺的学校所以就在本庙当小和尚由วัดเชิงเลน(译音:瓦称连)寺的หลวงปู่ใจ(译音:龙普斋)师父收他为徒当时的龙普斋在当地也是一位很有名的师父龙波撒怀师父在本庙当小和尚4年于2484年7月4日正式出家由วัดบางช้างใต้ (译音:瓦邦长代)寺的หลวงพ่อใย (译音:龙波呀)剃度取了一个名叫ฐิตวณุโณ(译音:底汪怒啂) 师父先从经文巴利文学起及นั่งสมาธิ(译音:三麻替乃禅坐之意) อาคมต่างๆ以及法术等等因师父从小就很有兴趣了于是师父开始找对法术厉害的高僧拜师有些法术甚至对生命有危险师父也都不怕坚持到学会为止龙波撒怀高僧曾经跟很多有名的高僧学习例举其中几位他曾经是这几位师父的徒弟… 1.หลวงปู่พูน วัดใหม่ปิ่นเกลียว (译音:龙普喷,瓦买丙寺) 2.หลวงพ่อแช่ม วัดตาก้อง (译音:龙波欠,瓦答贡寺) 3.หลวงพ่อวงษ์ วัดทุ่งผัดกูด (译音:龙普翁,瓦痛啪古寺) 4.หลวงพ่อเงิน วัดดอนยายหอม (译音:龙普艮,瓦咚亚宏寺) 以上的师父都有教龙波撒怀督造佛牌的技术加持牌的方法所以师父督造的佛牌是非常受欢迎的在泰国佛牌界还流传道这位高僧亲制佛牌的声望可以算是一位名声排在很前面的论法术龙波撒怀高僧在当时可是赫赫有名当地是无人不晓他也非常正直将老寺วัดปรีดาราม(译音:瓦比达兰)这间寺庙盖成大庙一般的寺院以及整体修建是他很大的一个理想督造佛牌募款也是为了寺庙及僧众在佛历2544年(西元2001年) 终于将整间寺庙盖成了照片里面的宏伟模样百姓也都很欢喜但同年龙波撒怀高僧也在11月11日圆寂享年80岁金身也供奉于寺中。

Luang Phor SaWai
Luang Phor SaWai of Wat PreeDaRarm, NaKhon Pathom province. LP was born in Ayutthaya province on 18 January 1921. LP SaWai was novice at the age of 16 at Wat PreeDaRarm and was ordained as a monk on 4 July 1941. He was ordained by LP Yai, Phra Arjarn Jerm and Phra Arjarn Pleung and was given the religious name of TiTaVaNo.

He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, LP commenced studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Poon of Wat MaiPinGlee-oh, LP Ngurn of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn Yung, LP Kow of Wat YaiSom, Arjarn PinRaud, Arjarn Cham, LP PaLudToo of Wat NgaungSur-ah, and LP PraPun ComeSing.

LP SaWai went also called “Tudong” in the jungle alone at Northeast of Thailand. Tudong is monk’s journey to gain knowledge, to build up good karma and to know the teaching of Buddha. Asian people such as Thai, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong respect such a monk who made amulet was very famous in wealth and protection. LP was well known among amulet collectors. Many people said that LP SaWai was a monk who possessed a lot of metta (loving-kindness) and bahramee (power). LP SaWai was well known for making “Phra Khun Paen” LP SaWai passed away on 11 November 2000 at the age of 80.

Effect : Increase charming and attractiveness, Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Good in dealing with people, Good in relationship, Improve to strong money luck and strong business luck, your business can grow when everything is going your way.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented.

Rian Phra Phrom Si Nha, Diamond Shape, Silver, Luang Phor Sawai, Wat PreeDaRarm, Nakhon Pathom Province (B.E.2540).

Behind of the rian with original temple code (left) and code number 38 in Thai numerals (right).

"Beautiful numbers, Number 3 = vigorous & 8 = get rich, An auspicious number 38"

Phra Phrom Si Nha, Luang Phor Sawai
Wat PreeDaRarm, Nakhon Pathom (silver material No.38)

From the front view you can notice the Brahma heads in four directions which is North, East, South and West. Which is protect the wearer wherever they go, to any directions.

The middle of the Brahma (Phra Phrom Si Nha) with "Me-Ga-Ma-Utt" yantra which is means Maha Utt (closed all the important part of the wearer's body) & Kongkrapan (Great Invulnerable).

The Yantra surrounded is "Jatupha Jitangmanimama" which is the heart spell of Brahma.

Whereby behind is the talisman of the teacher (Yant Kru), the face of a monk or a person's face which s great for Metta Maha Niyom (Mercy, Atractiveness & Famous).

Phra Phrom(The four-faced Brahmā Sahampati) 四面神
Brahmā Sahampati is an early Hindu religion dating back some 5,000 years. This religion is mainly symbolized by a trinity of Gods, namely; Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. It is believed that this Brahmanical triad combined their powers to create the Buddhist world.

One of the earliest iconographic descriptions of Brahma is that of the four-faced god seated on a lotus. In Thai Buddhism this Brahminist 4-faced god is known as "Phrom Sie Nah ", but it often referred to by others as the 4 faced Buddha.

Thai Buddhists highly respect many Brahminist gods including the 4-faced Phrom Buddhism grew out of a culture which believed in many levels of gods, called devas. There were also the highest level of gods, the Brahma gods, and Maha Brahma, the highest God.

Indeed many Thai religious ceremonies are heavily influenced by Hindu ritualistic practices even amulet consecrations. Buddhism as a religion is deeply rooted in early Hinduism from which it developed.

The description of Brahma like other deities of Hinduism bears a mystic symbolism. The lotus represents the Reality. Brahma sitting on the lotus indicates that he is ever-rooted in the infinite Reality. Reality is the foundation on which his personality rests. The four faces of Brahma represent the four Vedas. They also symbolise the functioning of the inner personality (antahkarana) which consists of thoughts. They are the mind (manas), the intellect (buddhi), ego (ahamkara) and conditioned-consciousness (chitta). They represent the four ways in which thoughts function. They are the manifestations of the unmanifest Consciousness

The significance of the 4 faced God from the Thai perspective is that the Great Brahma is able offer help to the people who cry to him from all directions, granting wishes to those who ask. It is widely thought that Phra Phrom offers protection from danger and prosperity in business.

The most famous image of Brahma or Phra Phrom is located at the Erawan Shrine which can be found at the intersection between Ratchadamri Road and Ratchaprasong Road in Pathum Wan district, Bangkok, Thailand. It is a popular tourist attraction and often features performances by resident Thai dance troupes, who are hired by worshippers in return for seeing their prayers at the shrine answered.

Interestingly Lord Brahma is not popularly worshipped in India. This is so, because the idea of creation is repugnant to seeker of Truth since the creation of thoughts has veiled the infinite Reality. The attempt of all spiritual seekers is to destroy the existing thoughts and maintain the state of single pointed thought until the Reality is revealed. Hence, Siva (god of destruction) and Vishnu (god of maintenance) are worshiped more than Brahma.

Phra Phrom will save you from black magic and the evil ones, brings you happiness, money and prosperity, help to make your good wishes come true, providing protection from danger, and endow the wearer with good luck and and fortune.

The significance of the the various objects held in the hands are:

1.Book signifies wisdom (Panna) leading to the right path to success
2.Chanting Beads signifies cultivation of good karma in the cycle of birth and death (Samsara)
3.Jug signifies ample water (wealth) where one would not be out of thirst opportunity to earn a living
4.Baton is used to discard all obtacles created by the evil ones
5.Shell signifies bringing luck and obtaining precious ones
6.Hand on the Chest signifies protection and safety

(The information about Phra Phrom is from others website. Just used for reference.)

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Leklai Ngern Yuang (with pipe casing), LP Somporn (aka LP Yai), Wat Pa ThammakYantMuni, Nakhon Pathom.

LekLai 不找Long Phor Yai. 还能找谁?? 鎳萊(泰國發音“力泥”),是一種泰國天然的金屬礦物,隱藏在山洞、危崖或埋於山底,所以少為人見,傳說有巨蟒及毒蛇看管,如不是修行很高的師父想採這種礦石,往往會遭巨蟒或毒蛇咬噬!泰國目前最出名的3種神聖礦石,鎳萊(力泥)和ㄚ亞曼尼(一種多色寶石)同樣具有強大力量,次一等的就是比那湯聖石,力量僅次於鎳萊,而這種力量最為泰國民眾公認的就是驅邪、避降、抵煞,甚至有刀槍不入的傳說。 這種礦石跟佛牌不一樣,是無需加持,本身就具有強大的力量,據說泰 國民間相傳佩戴鎳萊可以刀槍不入。由於它有關流鐵事跡,極之複雜,難於探索,只能從上一輩人之中得知,流傳下來的版本也有不少,各種神奇的傳聞多得很多, 所以不一一抄寫了。有些科學家研究力泥,得出並不是地球上的物質,所以非常神奇。 鎳萊共分3級 【第1級鎳萊】 似鐵但無磁性、表體汎紫光 據師父說佩戴於身上可改變氣場、增進身體健康,如握持於手掌中唸持佛經,鎳萊還會慢慢轉變為金黃色,平時置放於小袋中,常接觸人體會有非常多的好處,最好保持原狀,不要鑲成戒指或包金、銀殼佩戴。 【第2級鎳萊】 跟磁鐵一樣具強磁性、表體汎黃綠色光 效力略遜於第1級鎳萊,但可包金、銀殼佩戴,惟防水殼內應與蜂蜜併同置放,因為第2級鎳萊要用蜂蜜來養,不可用其他油類。 【第3級鎳萊】 具有弱磁性、表體黑色汎光 效力較遜前2級,品級也有高低,一般等級磨成唸珠,較高級的通常磨成戒面、鑲成戒指或磨成膠囊狀,或埋于佛牌等聖物之中增加力量。 據說,很多佛牌會在製牌時會個別或混合加入以上3種神聖礦石,讓佛牌不僅具有師父的加持力量,也具有這些傳奇聖石本身原有的強大力量。

Thanks for people who support us. This item has been rented out.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Rian Archan Puwon Ganpai, Nickel Material with Blue Color, made and consecrated Archan Pakong.

This Rian Archan Puwon Ganpai was made to brings great auspicious, good business(wealth), great luck, Metta Maha Saney, Metta Maha Niyom for the owner. This Rian mainly consecrated for Metta (personal attractiveness).

After the Rian has been consecrated by Archan Pakong thru special session. Naturally attract the opposite sex and have a satisfying love life. Not just go after someone, but have the opposite sex chase you instead. Make a woman become emotionally dependent on you. This is essential if you want her to fall in love with you. You get to catch a girl's trust, attention and attraction, more than anything else. Change your self confidence, for good, so that you no longer feel anxiety, self doubt and nervousness when approaching women and starting conversations. Instantly makes any girl feel special, and makes you irresistible. To attract woman, Like Bees To Honey, and seduce absolutely beautiful women. You get to develop great charisma and become a lot more sexually attractive. More interest, eye contact and “look-backs” from women.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Rian Sema Luang Phu Thuad Hua Toh, Nur Nawak, LP Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (B.E.2559)

 Luang Phu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Phu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.

Rian Sema Luang Phu Thuad Hua Toh, Copper, LP Keow, Wat Hui Ngor, Pattani (B.E.2559)

Luang Phu Thuad amulets are well know to protect the wearer from danger, evil spirits and accidents. Many people believe that amulets created in Luang Phu Thuad image hold great protective powers granting safety in times of distress, especially saving the lives of believers from seemingly fatal automobile accidents.