Sunday, June 19, 2016

Roop Muern Pump, Brass Copper Material, Phim Lek, Block Apple Shape Nose, Phor Than Klai, Wat Thart-Noi, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2505)

Phor Than Klai Wat Suan Kan, Roop Muern Pump, Brass Copper Material, Phim Lek, Block Apple Shape Nose.
Issue At Wat Thart-Noi, Nakhon Si Thammarat (B.E.2505)

Luang Phor Klai (Phor Than Klai) was born in Chang Klang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat on 27 March B.E.2419. His former name was Klai Sinil, the son of In and Neaw Sinil. On 10 September B.E.2439, he ordained at Wat Wang Muang. Luang Phor Klai is one of the respectable monk and famous southern monk. It was rumoured that whatever he said or predicted, often came true, and that is why he was given the title "Golden Mouth" by many. In addition, his amulet is sacred in Metta Maha Niyom, which is effect of loving-kindness. 

When Luang Phor Klai was 14 years old, he went with his uncle to chop firewood and the tree he was chopping fell towards him and squashed his left leg. Luang Phor Klai though it was nothing much just a small injury and did not seek for medical attention, but eventually it become worse and worse. His left ankle was shattered upon inspection, it swelled till very big, started going gangrenous and the pain was unbearable couldn't be cured.

One day when Luang Phor Klai couldn't bear the pain any more, he took a sharp knife and chopped of the swollen ankle region. When someone found out he did that, they were shocked and immediately went to find herbs to help him to stop bleeding and found a medicinal healer to cure him.

Eventually Luang Phor Klai had trouble getting around and usually moved around on water buffalo. After Luang Phor Klai become less mobile due to this, he ordained at the age of 15 and by the age of 26 he become the temple abbot.

He then passed away at 11.05pm on 5 December B.E.2513 at the age of 95 and his body is still intact and is presented at Wat That Noi, Chan Di Sub-District, Chawang District, Nakhon Si Thammarat.

During that time, Luang Phor Klai become one of the very respectful monks by the Thai King. A lot of mystery things happen on Luang Phor Klai and when he past away, they try to burn his body but no one else can burn it although they try a few times. The final time, Thai King himself try to burn it but unfortunately only can burn one of his toe.

Around 60 years ago, Luang Phor Klai had made a batch of Jatukam amulets. LP have two students. Both of them had become Ajarn. One of the students is Ajarn Khun Pan. The size of the Jatukam amulet is more bigger than amulet now a day. And the price of those Jatukam amulet already very expensive. The out look of the Jatukam amulet is not as nice as now. The amulet that made by Luang Phor Klai is very collectable. Luang Phor Klai is one of the high rank monks and become one of the respectful monks in the Thailand.
Story behind Phor Than Klai

When people in West Malaysia heard of the legend of the "Golden Mouth" monk, a lot of people went Thailand and looking for Luang Phor Klai to ask for lottery numbers but eventually 
Luang Phor Klai shook his head and did not say anything. Someone found a way around it, instead of asking for a number the man show Luang Phor a number and asked whether it was nice. Luang Phor Klai replied that it was not bad and the man bought lottery and strike a lot of money.

(The Biography of Phor Than Klai is from others website. Just used for reference.) 
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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rian Sema Jet Rob, Nur Nawak Phiset, LP Eaum, Wat SuanPaTaling Chan, Phatthalung (B.E.2558)

VIP Number : 8
Made : 384 pieces

Get 1st prize on table Number 9 LP Eaum Category at Bobae Tower Rangsit Amulet Competition, Bangkok. Champion Condition.

龙婆恩七轮盾形牌,特别九宝铜,龙婆恩,顺吧达玲赞庙宇,八打隆 (佛年 : 二五五八)

特别号码 :八
制造 :三百八十四粒

在今年三月的 Bobae Tower Rangsit 佛牌比赛中得到第一名。冠军🏆品相。
Come with certificate. 拥有佛牌比赛证书。
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Phra Sangkajai, Nur Nawak with Takrut SamKaSat (Gold, Silver & Copper), Ajarn Khun Pan and Ajarn Klan, Wat Khao Or (B.E.2544)

材料 :九宝铜+底部加经粉+3支金银铜符管个1支
No. : 748
后面有打庙code 和号码
back with temple code and running number
大法会 Ajahn KhunPhan, Ajarn Klan 和多名高僧加持念经
Ajahn Khun Phan, Ajarn Klan and many others great monks who attend the blessing ceremony.
Come with temple box.
Effect : Attract more Wealthy & Happiness, Accumulate more Money & Sales, Increase luck tremendously, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good for business.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Phra Kring, Mass Chanted, Wat Suthat, Bangkok (B.E.2545)

Come with original temple box. Handwritten Yant at the bottom of the amulet.

Wat Suthat is famously created Phra Kring in Thailand. Generally early Phra Kring of Wat Suthat design works under the supervision of Somdej Phra Ariyawongsakotayarn Sakolmaha Sangkhaparinayok or simply short for Somdej Phra Sangkarai Pae who was also the spiritual teacher of King Rama VIII.

No. : 754 (In Thai Numerals)

Effect : Increase Good Health, Improve Good Luck and Business Luck, unimaginable Wealth, overcome all odds, You can achieving success.

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Monday, June 13, 2016

Rian Ser Non Kin 1st batch, Nur Thong Daeng, with Nam Man Ser (Tiger's Oil), Ajarn Prasoot, Wat Nai Tao, Trang (B.E.2549)

Ser Non Kin 意识就是老虎睡著等吃。佩戴此圣物者,可以本生带来权威,出门找生意或机会都会易如反掌,得来全不费工夫。
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Takrut Sorot MongKhoon (十六吉祥符管), Pump Yant, Nur Takua, Roon 123 Years Anniversary Ajarn Nam, Wat Donsala, Phatthalung (B.E.2557)

Mass Chanted
Monks who attend the ceremony : Ajarn Prasoot, LP Maha Utai, Ajarn Utai,  LP Saguan, LP Eaum, Ajarn Hong, Ajarn Aied, LP Tud, LP Pong, Ajarn Plien and etc. 
Phitti BongSung lead by Archan Plien from Wat Khao Or, Phatthalung.
Yant "Sorot MongKhoon” consists of four sub “Yant”
- Theparwut ( god’s weapon): to eliminate and rid of bad spirit, evil or black magic.
- Sorot (16 auspicious): Harm proof against basically everything, thunder , fire , theft, evil
- Trinisinghay (Roar of the three lions): proof against sickness, bad spirit 
- Jaturo Polkasap (bringing wealth): this Yant is for bringing wealth to the owner.
By resting this takrut at home, the old believe it will protect everyone under the roof.

Phra Sangkajai Roon Raek, Lor Bo Rarn, Ajarn Prasoot, Wat Nai Tao, Trang (B.E.2550)

Size : Jumbo 

Effect : Attract more Wealthy & Happiness, Accumulate more Money & Sales, Increase luck tremendously, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good for business.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Phra Pidta 1st batch, Nur Wahn with Jang Rak, bottom inserted with a takrut, Chao Khun Onn, Wat PhraChum Cholthara, Sungai Padi, Narathiwat (B.E.2538)

在今时今日的泰南,因为有着不同的宗教信仰,在当地时常会爆发宗教冲突。比如泰南的回教武装分子,时常会策划恐怖活动。但在当地却有一位高僧,不只受到佛教徒们的尊重,也被回教徒和其它的宗教信徒所尊重。他就是泰王御封的僧王昭坤ONN,现在在 Sugaipadee被称为 Tontep (全名:PratepSinlaveesut/ Onn tontajitto) 昭坤ONN在泰国是一位知名高僧,今年72岁,出生于1938年一月七日。昭坤ONN在二十一岁时出家为僧,并拜龙婆术为师。龙婆术跟大马比打王TOK RAJA为同门师兄弟,他们的师父也是泰国有名的高僧龙婆占。昭坤ONN在年轻时对于修行非常的精进所以很受到当地人的尊敬,也同时他怀有一颗慈悲的心,引用他那丰富的佛学知识去帮助人民解决很多纠纷和难题。 昭坤ONN可称为一位非常特殊的僧人,不但会马来语,对建筑与设计也非常感兴趣,而且还是为修行非常严格的僧人。昭坤ONN是泰南一带信众的心灵依靠者。由于泰国南部出现恐怖分子发生枪战,昭坤ONN常以佛法引导信众让大家勇敢的面对乱局。更加鼓励佛教徒与伊斯兰教徒和平相处,互相帮助,并教导人民不应因彼此信奉不同的宗教,就互相仇视彼此,应该尊重和体谅彼此。也因为如此,每当昭坤ONN有任何法会或生日时,当地的回教代表都会出席并献上捐款给与他们所尊重的昭坤ONN。 昭坤ONN在东南亚各国家都有大量的信徒,每天都会有不同国籍的信徒上门拜访,希望得到昭坤ONN的祝福。有时一天的访客太多了,可是昭坤ONN不忍拒绝千里迢迢来拜访他的信徒,便强打起精神为信徒加持与祈福。信徒被得到昭坤ONN的祝福,都在所求的方面有所好转,同时一些得到昭坤ONN提醒未来将会发生什么事的信徒,也一一的应验了!!所以信徒们相信,照坤ONN有一张“金口”,所讲出的事都会实现。 昭坤ONN和泰国皇室的关系非常的好,举凡昭坤ONN举办任何法会,皇室必派成员出席,这也要说到早年泰皇与昭坤的相遇。在昭坤ONN刚步入中年时,有一次,泰国九世皇蒲眉蓬南下省察民情,从当地的官员与民众口中听到昭坤ONN的事迹,钦佩之心油然而起,便邀请昭坤ONN一路陪伴省察。九世皇在一路的省察过程都向昭坤ONN询问意见,而昭坤ONN的回答总是能解答泰皇的疑问,并提出了非常好和能解决问题的意见。 泰皇经过这次的会面,对昭坤深感钦佩不已,便在回宫后不久,亲自册封昭坤ONN为僧王(照坤),而这荣衔在泰国僧侣的阶级上仅次于只有一位的“顺德治”。泰皇同时也任命昭坤ONN为曼谷市一间庙的住持,同时委任昭坤ONN为Narathiwa, pathani 和yala这三省政府部门和寺庙的总顾问,所以有什么问题无法做出一个决定时,便会请教昭坤ONN。昭坤ONN同时也是WatKaogo, wat phadihauthalam和wat phalamsaddhi的顾问,不只这些,吉兰丹所有的寺庙在有法会都会通知昭坤ONN,希望他能出席。泰皇也以昭坤ONN的名义开一个基金会,再调动一大笔钱进入者基金会,任昭坤调动。而昭坤ONN也运用基金会在泰南长期支持寺庙发展,成人学校活动,并帮助贫困的人民。 昭坤ONN常为生病的信徒祈福,并赠予生病的信徒他所加持过的圣水。喝了这些圣水的信徒们,如果天寿已尽,就很安详并没有痛苦的离去。如果并非阳寿将至或业障所引起的疾病,信徒们喝了圣水后,很快便康复了。 昭坤ONN本身所出的佛牌也非常的有名,由于跟TOK RAJA 师承一脉,照坤ONN也非常善长制造“必达”:富贵遮面佛佛牌。这包括铜牌,黑木必达等等。相传:曾经有军人佩戴昭坤 Onn的佛牌跟恐怖分子战斗,结果军人安全无事!
照坤ONN所制作的佛牌里最受藏家喜爱的是2538年第一批的必达佛牌 。 此批必达无论用料或加持开光都是相当圆满.用料方面包括了:2497龙普托旧粉,108种草药,龙波Dum (Wat Mainaparam已故泰南高僧也是制作立体必达闻名)的特别老粉等等.. 开光方面有昭坤Onn先开光然后送由阿詹弄(wat saikao),龙波本(Wat Bangphra),龙波Dum(Wat Mainaparam) ,龙波Keaw (Wat Huigor目前泰南制作龙普托佛牌高僧),瓦仓海(Wat changhai)和瓦邦蛇( Wat Bangshe)在度加持开光。已有圆满的效力的证明,一向是回教武装分子最活跃的南部yala省在不久前一位佩戴此必达的信众遭到回教武装的攻击而逃过一劫,令大师此批必达名声大噪加上泰皇的钦点新马藏家都认为此批是南部最有收藏和佩戴价值的必达。 在这佛教末法的时代,还能有一位福慧双修高僧,实乃佛教徒之福分。而难得的是昭坤ONN也不辞劳苦,不在乎自己日渐年迈的身体周游列国,只为了能帮助各国的信徒们,加强他们对佛法的了解与信任,并为他们祈福,加持改善信徒们的运势。昭坤ONN的德行,真正的体现出佛教的慈悲与普渡丛生的精神,在此也向昭坤ONN献上万二分的敬意。

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Phra Pidta, Phim Lek, Nur Wahn, Phor Than Daeng, Wat Thong Dee, Sg. Golok, Narathiwat (B.E.2529)

Phor Than Daeng was born on 3rd August B.E.2449 (C.E.1906) in Takbai, Narathiwat. During his teenage days there's no boundary demarcation in this Southern part of Thailand. When he was young, he travel to Malaysia and visited some temple, one of the temple is Wat Utammaram (Wat Bangsek) , Kelantan. He was one of the disciple for Tok Raja. 
Phor Than Daeng is good in Metta Maha Niyom, Kaew Klaad (escape from harm), KongKrapan (self-defense against sharp objects) and Maha Utt (impenetrable by gunshot). He is a very close friend of Phor Than Daeng of Wat Pikulthong (Tumpat, Kelantan). 
Phor Than Daeng passed away on 13th December B.E.2532, Wednesday 6.40am in sitting meditation posture. Visitors can visit Wat Thong Dee Pachalam to pay homage to Phor Than Daeng. With deepest respect to Phor Than Daeng for achieving Parinibbana by his early Dharma learning under the guidance of Tok Raja.

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Friday, June 10, 2016

Phra Pidta Roon Raek, Phim Lek, Nur Nawak, Phor Than Thit, Wat Machimmaram, Kelantan, Malaysia (B.E.2545)

Effect: Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Maha Larp, Harmproof, bring good fortune and authority, Improve your luck and Prevent accident happen.
Phor Than Thit, Wat Machimmaram, Kelantan
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Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Legend of Ajahn Khun Pantarak Rajjadej 2016 Movie Trailer.

Biography of Ajahn Khun Pan
Ajahn Khun Pan was one of the most well-know white-robed Ajahns of our time. His amulets, like the Phra Kring Pae Tong and Jatukam Pidta Pangkapan have been know to be highly efficacious and are highly sought-after by discerning amulet wearers and particularly so since his death when price of his amulets have increased many times over.

Ajahn Khun Pan is very well-known for his Visha(magic) and was frequently invited to participate in amulet-consecration ceremonies around Thailand. Ajahn Khun Pan's Phra Khun Paen was recognized as one of the most efficacious Phra Khun Paen made in out time and may people have had good experience in their lives after wearing Phra Khun Paen consecrated by Ajahn Khun Pan. 

Ajahn Khun Pan was former chief of Police Region 8, Khun Phantharak Rajadej, and believed to be the last commoner holding the noble title Khun, died of old age in Nakhon Si Thammarat aged 103.

Know as a tough crime buster in the South Thailand over 70 years ago, Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej was respected by colleagues and local residents but feared by criminals.

He was well-versed in Thai history and folklore and was a prolific writer, having penned articles for many publications. A master of rituals in Nakhon Si Thammarat, he advised on the installation of the pillar shrine in the province 1987.

Thai feudal titles were created in the Ayutthaya period. They were granted until just after the 1932 revolution brought an end to the absolute monarchy and feudalism in the country.

The full title consisted of a prefix signifying the rank (bandasak) and an honorific name (rachatinnanam) granted by the monarch to a particular person, usually reflecting the profession he specialized in. In this case the rank was Khun and the honorific Phantharak Rajadej. The appointee would use the full title in place of his names.

Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej was born Butr Phantharak on Feb 18, 1903, in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Tha Sala district. He graduated from the Huay Chorakae police cadet academy in Nakhon Pathom in 1929.

He earned a reputation for wiping out many notorious criminal gangs in Southern Provinces such as Phatthalung and in the Central Provinces like Suphan Buri. As a reward, he was granted his title in 1935.

In 1960, he was appointed chief of Police Region 8 and promoted to police major-general. Pol Maj-Gen Khun Phantharak Rajadej retired in 1964. He entered politics and was elected as a Nakhon Si Thammarat MP for the Democrat party in 1973.

He had eight children with his first wife, who died. He remarried and had four children with his second wife.

Funeral rites were held at Wat Mahathat Woramahawiharn in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Muang district. His body was given royal bathing rites.