This is 1st Batch of Khun Pean Phim Jew (Mini Mould) added with Luang Pu Tim, Wat Lahanrai (Rayong) left over Plai Guman. Blessed by Luang Phor Sakorn from Wat NongKrup, Rayong. White meat version with Real Gold Frame.
This was the prime reason that he created this amulet, known as Khun Paen Pong Plai Guman, which will is able to help followers in fortune-fetching, bringing good luck and making oneself well-liked by people around you. You will be loved and admired by others, offerings and good fortune will transpire form the least expected places. It is also good for improving one's interpersonal relationships and attracting people.
Charm on its own though is not sufficient, proficiency is also required to solve life's problems. Proficiency that lives within you and flows rapidly and easily when most needed. As long as you possess consciousness, intelligence, patience and constant effort, this attribute will be available to you, to steer you on a safe course through these difficult times.
Last but not least is good fortune and luck. Luck will look down upon you wherever you go. This Khun Paen Pong Plai Guman amulet will bring the owner luck and fortune in abundance. With these three blessings the quality of your life will dramatically improve forever.
What is Plai Guman powder ???
Luang Pu Tim of Wat Lahanrai used to create Pong Plai Guman powder followed very ancient ways, which only a few monks had the knowledge to create successfully.
Kon Kulahp (the disciple of Luang Pu Tim) was instructed by Luang Pu Tim to find the corpse of a woman that died during pregnancy and the woman should have died on a Saturday and cremated on a Tuesday. He was further told that once such a cadaver was located that he should remove parts of the child's skull, from the unborn fetus and not look back once the sacred material had been secured. This was carried out in accordance with the wishes of Luang Pu Tim.
Luang Pu Tim chanted a special Katha for one week in order to prevent the spirit departing from the Plai Guman. Once completed, Kon Kulahp was instructed to pound and grind the material into a fine powder, which he commenced to do, before becoming somewhat disturbed by sparks emanating from the mortar. He had to burn incense and ask for forgiveness before this phenomena abated.
Luang Pu Tim took the Plai Guman powder and mixed it with a number of other sacred powders including, Itije powder, Patamang powder, Jindahmanee powder and 108 different herbs and sedges. The mixture was chanted for days on end.
The Plai Guman was also added to a few other batches of amulets including this Khun Paen , Phra Somdej, Phra Piddta and Phra Kring Chinabahnchorn. In the case of the Phra Kring amulet the material was added to the base.
The Reason why Luang Pu Tim chose to use the skull of a dead child in the process was because the amulet made by Plai Guman will provide merit from Lord Buddha and the power and protection will come from Plai Guman.

Thanks for people who support us. This amulet has been rented out.